
Richard Sherman’s subtle shade for Russell Wilson: Not 'coach on the field'

Several days after witnessing Denver Broncos go for a 64-yard field goal instead of putting the ball in Russell Wilson’s hands, Richard Sherman is still incredulous as to what took place.

The team was trailing by just a single point with over a minute left in the game and a pocket full of time-outs against the Seattle Seahawks. Wilson successfully picked up nine yards to leave the Broncos with just five additional yards before obtaining a first down.

Although there was only one down remaining, countless fans, NFL prognosticators, even Sherman, screamed at their television sets as precious seconds began melting away.

In the end, with the ball resting on the 46-yard line and the clock wasting away until 20 seconds were remaining, the Broncos sidelines finally signaled for a time-out.

The Broncos ultimately went on to miss from 64-yards. Now, Sherman believes that Wilson, despite signing a gargantuan contract extension in the offseason, doesn't have the same star power as his quarterback contemporaries.

“He still threw for 340 yards. He was moving the ball. But, fourth-and-5, game on the line, in Seattle, hey, they could’ve put it in his hands, but then who do you got to blame? You could see Peyton Manning saying 'Timeout, timeout'.
"You know the difference between Russell Wilson and Peyton Manning? Russell does not have the power to call that timeout without the sideline. Peyton Manning can call that timeout without the sideline. He’s the coach on the field. He has that respect.”

.@RSherman_25 has some thoughts on the Broncos' timeout debacle https://t.co/VSHMmruuz3

Broncos head coach, not Russell Wilson faces backlash

Shortly after receiving an unprecedented amount of vitriol and perpetual chastisement, Denver’s head coach, Nathaniel Hackett, admitted that he was better off instructing his team to go for it and leaving the ball in Wilson’s hands.

However, with very little public criticism and blame falling at the feet of Wilson, Sherman is convinced that the lack of accountability aimed in Wilson’s direction further backs his claims.

“Certain quarterbacks, you blame the coach. Certain quarterbacks, you blame the quarterback. And if it was any of those quarterbacks, you’re not talking about the coach. You’re being like, ‘Why didn’t Peyton call timeout right there?'”

The missed opportunity is behind him now. Russell Wilson still has an entire season to prove his mettle. Maybe, by the end of the season, he will have that stature to call time-outs on his own.

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