
Robert Kraft launches full-page ad campaign in major newspapers for his foundation against antisemitism: report

Robert Kraft has launched full-page ad campaigns for his foundation that fights antisemitism. Kraft, who shares a Jewish heritage from both sides of his family, has been active in highlighting the issues of antisemitism in the last few months.

Kraft, through his organization Foundation to Combat Antisemitism (FCAS), has been at the forefront since protests against Israeli military actions in the Gaza Strip. Major universities all over the nation have become a ground for protests and counter-protests concerning the Israel-Palestine issue.

Kraft has throughout his life spoken for the rights and recognition of Jewish people. He has donated considerably toward the cause of Israel and the Jewish population, per The New York Times. Kraft’s ad aims to end threats of violence and intimidation to Jewish students and staff on university campuses today.

“I am appalled that this hate has only continued to rise and has spawned growing levels of physical intimidation and threats of violence that have taken over college and university campuses across our country,” the Patriots owner wrote in his ad.

Kraft also requested to solve the political and ideological issues amongst the students in a manner that does not involve hate speech.

“I believe political issues can be, and most importantly, should be debated," he wrote. "They should be debated vigorously. But vicious hate speech and physical intimidation, preventing others from feeling safe, pursuing their studies, or having their voices heard is completely unacceptable.”
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Kraft has been appearing on news channels to further his message regarding the rise of antisemitism. His foundation has been running social media campaigns as well.

Robert Kraft is on the front lines of this issue

Kraft has been calling out the instances of antisemitism on this entire issue for months now. Earlier this year, the billionaire had run national TV ad campaigns during the Academy Awards and the Super Bowl to combat the rise of antisemitism. But he was hurt the most when Columbia University, his alma mater, became a hotbed of protests.

“It was through the full academic scholarship Columbia gave me that I was able to attend college and get my start in life and for that I have been tremendously grateful,” Kraft said in a statement.
“However, the school I love so much – the one that welcomed me and provided me with so much opportunity – is no longer an institution I recognize.”

After releasing the statement, he pulled his donations from the campus, even though he had been a charitable donor for the school over the years.

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