
Skip Bayless remarks on Cam Newton's controversial comments towards women

Cam Newton made some shocking comments about women on a podcast
Cam Newton made some shocking comments about women on a podcast

Cam Newton has found himself in the middle of yet another controversy. This time, the quarterback is facing serious backlash due to some disparging remarks he made about women.

Newton said on the Million Dollaz Worth of Game podcast:

“Now a woman, for me, is handling your own but knowing how to cater to a man’s needs. Right? And I think a lot of times when you get that aesthetic of like, ‘I’m a boss b----, I’m this, I’m that'. No, baby! But you can’t cook. You don’t know when to be quiet. You don’t know how to allow a man to lead.”

NFL quarterback Cam Newton complained about women who "can't cook" and "don’t know when to be quiet."

"Now a women for me is, handling your own but knowing how to cater to a man’s needs." mediaite.com/a/nxozb https://t.co/WdYsetopRJ

Those comments from Cam Newton didn't go down well with most women and a lot of men too. FOX Sports' Skip Bayless had this to say about Newton's comments on his show Undisputed:

"I will give you my two cents of advice for Cam Newton. I need to know why you would subject yourself to what's it called - the Million Dollarz Worth of Game podcast. And you know what can happen on podcasts. You kick back and you kind of talk, talk and sometimes, you can talk yourself right over the cliff. Right?"

Bayless continued and reiterated that he doesn't think Newton should have been on the podcast in the first place.

"So my two cents of advice is why even risk it right now because I think your career is temporary as we speak. I'm not sure you're gonna have a job. I would love to see you have a job. We saw flashes of old Cam last year, but I can't back it up with the number because to your point, he is 0-5 as a starter and we can't sell that right here."

Cam Newton has had his share of controversials

Newton has been in hot waters over his comments before also
Newton has been in hot waters over his comments before also

Cam Newton is not exactly a wallflower when it comes to sharing his opinion on things. Newton was rude to a female reporter who questioned him a few years ago while he was a quarterback with the Carolina Panthers.

When she asked him about a receiver running routes, he thought her asking these questions was "funny", implying that she didn't know a lot about football. He later had to apologize.

He also got in trouble with another female reporter when talking about why women should stay with men who cheat on them. When pressed by the reporter on whether he would tell his daughters the same thing, Newton didn't answer.

She got Cam Newton’s ass in the ending. Like cheating no matter how in love you are is never okay.

In this day and age, one would think that someone in Newton's position would know better and be more thoughtful before making comments about women. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case with the quarterback.

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