
“What you have shown is that you haven't evolved” - Stephen A. Smith puts Cam Newton on notice for controversial comments about women

Stephen A. Smith and Cam Newton
Stephen A. Smith and Cam Newton

Cam Newton sparked controversy on social media with the comments he made during a recent appearance on the Million Dollaz Worth of Game podcast. Newton spoke about women in an outdated fashion, complaining about women who don't know how to cook.

Cam Newton's comments have offended many and have inspired some to speak out against the former NFL MVP. One of the people who spoke up was ESPN analyst Stephen A. Smith.

Smith brought up previous comments Newton made about women in 2017. Smith put Newton on notice for not evolving or growing as a person. Smith said on Tuesday's episode of First Take:

“If you’re Cam Newton just in 2017, you said it was funny when a female reporter asked you about running routes. You said, ‘It's funny that a female is asking about running routes’ as if she had no place covering football. That same reporter You were talking about back then, formerly of the Charlotte Observer, who is now working for the Athletic, she's covered the Rams in the Super Bowl. She's won awards. She's doing a lot of things as they wrote about this morning in the Charlotte Observer."

Newton's comments towards Jordan Rodrigue received a lot of backlash from fans in 2017. His finding humor that a female can be deeply knowledgable about the game of football shows how out of touch he is with the times.

Here's the video of Cam Newton saying "it's funny to hear a female talk about routes" https://t.co/hd9Kg4CCeu

Smith continued addressing Cam Newton by acknowledging his good qualities. But considering it's been five years since his previous remarks, it shows Newton hasn't evolved or changed. Smith nailed this point home, saying,

"I'm just saying that if you’re Cam Newton, who by all accounts is a good brother, a contributor, very philanthropic, and contributed to the community. Great with kids, good person, and selfless stuff like that. When you come across this antiquated, and you were guilty of that in 2017? And you follow that up five years later in 2022? What you have shown is that you haven't evolved. You haven't educated yourself. You haven't changed. And you're not appreciating women the way that you do."

To conclude, Smith brought up his upbringing, where he was raised by five women. He mentions his appreciation and respect for women and his belief that marriage is the key to reaching a man's maximum potential. He said,

"As a black man who was raised by five women, including the greatest woman that I've ever known, which is my mother. I believe the greatest man on earth is the man that has the right woman by his side. No matter what we achieve as men, I'm telling you right now, I have been very, very blessed and fortunate to achieve a lot of things that I have achieved. I haven't scratched the surface of my potential yet as far as I'm concerned because I'm not married.”

Cam Newton's controversial comments won't help him land a job

Former Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton
Former Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton

Cam Newton has been without a job since the offseason began. After a disappointing stint with the Carolina Panthers last season, his stock has arguably never been lower.

His latest comments about women won't do anything to help his free agency. The Cleveland Browns experienced the public backlash that came with the signing of Deshaun Watson, and the rest of the league took notice.

NFL quarterback Cam Newton complained about women who "can't cook" and "don’t know when to be quiet."

"Now a women for me is, handling your own but knowing how to cater to a man’s needs." mediaite.com/a/nxozb https://t.co/WdYsetopRJ

Newton will be 33 years old at the start of next season. He's in less demand than Watson was, so whether or not he receives another shot in the league is a major unknown. That's especially true if you consider Baker Mayfield hasn't been able to gather any interest, despite being seven years younger.

If we never see Newton in the NFL again, it's unfortunate that this is how he's going out.

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