
Steve Belichick's tongue wag sparks memefest on social media during Bucs vs Patriots

Steve Belichick made headlines for his antics on the sideline last night
Steve Belichick made headlines for his antics on the sideline last night

It was billed as the grudge match of the century. On his return to New England, Tom Brady came up against his former team in their building for the first time. Brady was also up against Bill Belichick.

On Sunday Night Football, the game had it all - the build-up to Brady’s return, Mac Jones going against the Bucs defense, and then the drama at the end. The match largely underwhelmed from a scoring sense but there were so many little sub plots throughout.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers ultimately ran out winners, albeit just 19-17. However, the Patriots had a chance with a minute to go to kick a 56-yard field goal to take the lead. They missed it and gave the game to Brady.

The weather clearly played a part in the low score as several times throughout the game there was driving rain and wind gusts. In a game dominated by two defenses, both teams had their struggles moving the football.

The game had from a nostalgic point of view as well. The match will, however, be remembered for something that didn’t happen on the field. Steve Belichick, Bill’s son is the Patriots defensive coordinator and linebackers coach. He gave Brady fits all night with different coverages, different looks and all kinds of exotic defensive schemes.

Steve Belichick steals the show

But it was what he did off the field that has caused him to become a media sensation after the game. During NBC’s coverage, Steve Belichick was seen moving and wagging his tongue around a lot. This has essentially made him a meme.

With his mullet and his tongue wagging around vigorously, it worked for him, at least last night, to keep Brady and the Bucs' offense to just 19 points. While he does share some of his father's undeniable intensity when coaching, he has been shown to have a lighter side as well.

What is going on here? #PatsVsBucs https://t.co/OxBznjO9gS
Steve Belichick after he saw Ace Ventura for the first time https://t.co/vPtzOyMzlS
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While he was on camera on Sunday night, Steve Belichick looked on with fierce determination. He tried to figure out how to stop Brady marching down the field and had his tongue out while doing it. Whether it is a little knack he has or whether it was simply just for the camera’s - we don't know. What we did see was that it worked as he clearly got to Brady several times.

The match will be remembered as Brady v. Bill Belichick and will have Tampa’s No.12 winning the game for them. Steve Belichick will be remembered as the coordinator on the sideline who instantly became a meme.

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