
"That is bulljive" - Shannon Sharpe wasn't having any of Dak Prescott's post-game comments about refs

Fallout: NFC Wild Card Playoffs - San Francisco 49ers v Dallas Cowboys
Fallout: NFC Wild Card Playoffs - San Francisco 49ers v Dallas Cowboys

Shannon Sharpe castigated Dak Prescott following the quarterback's comments regarding fans throwing projectiles at referees following the Cowboys loss against the 49ers. Shannon Sharpe did not mince words when he said,

"That is bulljive, and that should be beneath Dak Prescott. I am so disappointed. Yes, Skip. I pick against the Cowboys. But I like Dak, but I can't get down with him in this situation. He's absolutely dead wrong. And I hope he comes out today and apologize for what he said."

The Dallas Cowboys' signal caller was understandably hot after losing a playoff game. The Cowboys lost to the San Francisco 49ers in the NFC playoffs in the Wild Card round 23-17, and many fans thought the referees were to blame for that, and they decided to show their frustration by taking aim at the officiating team.

As the referees were vacating the field, they started aiming projectiles at them. Some of them also found the Cowboys players as they were making their way to the tunnel.

When this was told to Dak Prescott after the game, he condemned their behavior, saying they should not have behaved that way considering how much the Dallas players had given the team.

But when someone mentioned that the missiles were aimed at the referees, instead of condemning them, he, instead, said it was a "credit to them, then."

The video of Dak Prescott saying “credit to them” when he was told that the Cowboys fans were throwing things as the referees after the playoff loss. https://t.co/rjp6Oc1sG2

Condoning violence is never an option, especially on a sports field. He made a serious lapse of judgment by praising the misbehaving fans. And Shannon Sharpe did not hold back when discussing it.

The last play that riled up Dak Prescott and Shannon Sharpe's strong denunciation

NFC Wild Card Playoffs - San Francisco 49ers v Dallas Cowboys
NFC Wild Card Playoffs - San Francisco 49ers v Dallas Cowboys

On the last play of the game, with 14 seconds remaining, the Dallas Cowboys, in all their wisdom, chose to run a quarterback draw option, instead of going to the perimeter. As Dak Prescott slid in, the clock kept running. The next step for him should have been to get up and hand the ball over to the umpire, so he could place the ball. Instead, he handed it over to the center, and as they were forming the line of scrimmage, the referee got blocked from reaching the ball. When he eventually did, before the ball could be snapped, the clock ran out.

Cowboys fans believed that the umpire should have been there with the play and not catching up. They also believed that the ref being late to the ball meant that they should have put time back on the clock. But it was the unawareness of Dak Prescott and the Dallas offense that caused the issue, not to mention the play call itself, that was dubious. So for him to turn around and blame the loss on the referees was poor.

Shannon Sharpe pointed out as much. He highlighted that Dak Prescott placing the blame and trying to absolve himself was wrong on all levels. Shannon Sharpe pointed out the many penalties the Cowboys conceded. He also pointed out that Dak Prescott had only seven points until the fourth quarter and had a costly interception that led to a touchdown.

.@ShannonSharpe on Dak crediting fans for throwing trash at the refs:

"I have huge problem with this, that's bush league, Dak Prescott. Officials always run off the field. Why are you encouraging your fanbase to throw trash? They should've thrown it on your head." https://t.co/m4isvrhWSI

While there are many things one can disagree on with Shannon Sharpe, here he is absolutely correct. It is a rare occasion when Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe are in agreement.

Fans must remember that there is no game without the referees, and they must respect the officials and not threaten them. We hope Dak Prescott takes Shannon Sharpe's advice and apologizes.

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