
Tom Brady warns "f—king stud" Josh Allen over risky style of play: “You’re putting yourself in harm’s way”

Josh Allen has no fear playing football, and it's something Tom Brady has taken note of. Allen will bowl over defenders if it means he can get a few extra yards. It is a style of play that's exciting and sometimes helpful, but it's also dangerous.

The hits add up in the NFL whether you're running or not. Allen does run, and Brady cautioned him on this. On the Let's Go! podcast, the retired NFL quarterback said that Allen may want to take some precautions:

“Because he makes a lot of plays running the ball, I think sometimes he gets used to it, and he wants to run it because he knows he can gain yards. There's a lot of confidence in it."

He believes the Buffalo Bills star is putting himself in harm's way with these runs. If that's the case, then all it takes is one hit to seriously injure Allen. Brady wants Allen to be aware of that.

The former New England Patriots standout also said:

“I would love to see Josh save those very special moments and special occasions to run the ball rather than to run the ball six minutes into the game on a on a second-and-sixth."

He added a huge compliment to his warning:

"Not that he shouldn't run but when he does run, f*****g slide and make sure no one hits you because I don't want to see him ever get hurt and I want to see him out there playing every week because he's such a f*****g stud."

The ex-Tampa Bay Buccaneers star concedes that Allen can do things Brady never could. He also knows that that comes with a risk, and he doesn't want to see Allen stop playing early due to injuries:

“He can do a lot of things that I couldn't do back there but at the same time, I want to see him play another 10 to 12 years and really see how he can maximize potential because he loves the sport.”

Brady wants to see the game in good hands now that he's gone. He believes Josh Allen is part of that, and wants to see him extend his career as long as possible.

Josh Allen responds to Tom Brady's warning

Tom Brady warned Josh Allen about the dangers of running the football and seeking out contact as a quarterback. Allen has heard the warning, but it doesn't look like he's going to change much.

Josh Allen will keep running
Josh Allen will keep running

He said:

"I'm not saying that he's wrong. But you can get hurt in the pocket just as much as you can outside it. That's the only caveat that I have for that."

Looks like Allen will continue to play his way and risk his body for the good of the team.

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