
"Lets go get a snack" - Tony Romo seemingly bodyshames Chiefs HC Andy Reid on national television

Tony Romo is the lead NFL analyst for CBS and was in the booth as head coach Andy Reid and his team Kansas City Chiefs defeated the Arizona Cardinals. During the broadcast, the former Dallas Cowboys quarterback shared a comment about Reid as the cameras panned to the latter on the sidelines.

Romo then made a comment about what the Chiefs head coach might be thinking, as he said:

"Woah baby, let's go get a snack."

Needless to say, the comment led to a mixed bag of reactions from fans watching the game. One fan said described the comment as fat shaming:

@barstoolsports Body shaming? That’s rude.

However, another fan said that it was a joke and people should lighten up:

@barstoolsports It’s just a joke!! Lighten up! Besides everyone like’s a snack.

The CBS NFL analyst was likely commenting on Reid and his love of cheeseburgers. In fact, the Super Bowl-winning coach uses cheeseburgers as motivation.

Chiefs Head Coach Andy Reid on his love of cheeseburgers

Kansas City Chiefs HC Andy Reid
Kansas City Chiefs HC Andy Reid

Anyone who has played under Reid can repeat his last line from Saturday prior to every Sunday game:

“Treat you to a cheeseburger.”

The head coach really did give his players cheeseburgers the night before a game on Sunday.

Also Checkout:- Chiefs Preseason Schedule

Once when he was the Philadelphia Eagles head coach, Reid gave his customary speech, but neglected to bring up cheeseburgers. Eagles players sat in the locker room and were puzzled. Finally, the players shouted:

“You didn’t say anything about the cheeseburger.”

His love of cheeseburgers also shows up in his choice of similes. The head coach once tried to describe to a reporter the joy he got from an exemplary play call. He put it this way:

“That’s a pretty good feeling. That’s like a good cheeseburger.”

On another occasion, in the 2014 season, the Kansas City receivers didn’t get a single touchdown pass. Reid said it was like a “moldy cheeseburger.”

All things considered, Andy Reid loves his cheeseburgers, so Romo's comments could be seen in that light. However, some do find them offensive towards the Chiefs head coach.

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