
What are the new NFL guidelines for players and personnel for COVID-19?

San Francisco 49ers Training Camp
San Francisco 49ers Training Camp

The ongoing NFL storyline since the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl has had a new development. According to Dan Graziano, the NFL has released new COVID-19 protocols, breaking them down into two sets of rules for two sets of situations. If players are fully vaccinated, they will face one set of rules and if players are not inoculated, they will have to deal with another set.

Fully vaccinated NFL players

Players who have received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine or a single-shot vaccine will see uplifted restrictions. If players are fully vaccinated, they will no longer be tested daily. No masks will be required at a club facility. NFL players will not need to be quarantined after exposure to a COVID-positive person.

There will be no travel restrictions and players may eat in the cafeteria. There will be no capacity limits in the weight room and NFL players may use the sauna or steam room. Lastly, players may interact with vaccinated family and friends during travel.

In other words, life almost goes back to normal for NFL players who are fully vaccinated.

Not fully vaccinated NFL players

NFL players who are unvaccinated will be subject to a large number of rules. This includes players who have only had one of the two COVID-19 vaccine doses.

Unvaccinated players will be subject to daily testing. They will be required to wear masks at club facilities and must still follow physical distancing requirements. NFL players will need to be quarantined after exposure to COVID-19 and will also be limited in their travel.

Unvaccinated NFL players will be forced to follow capacity limits in the weight room and will be unable to eat in the meal room. They will be prohibited from using the sauna or steam room and, lastly, will not be allowed to interact with vaccinated family or friends while traveling.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Press Conference
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Press Conference

Enforcement of new NFL guidelines for COVID-19

It is unclear how the NFL plans to keep track of these requirements as both vaccinated and unvaccinated players will be in constant interaction. If this enforcement is sloppy, it could create problems and inhibit players from getting the practice and work that they need. The system incentivizes players to get vaccinated or face a limited life for the 2021 football season.

The new rules are generating controversy just hours after their unveiling and there has already been a large amount of backlash from fans, despite others praising the move.

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