
Which NFL team does Chris Evans follow? Captain America actor picks 'no brainer' franchise

Chris Evans, a Boston native, can only have one favorite NFL team. The Captain America actor is known to absolutely love his hometown, and by association, things related to it.

In a recent interview with Wired, Evans was asked about his favorite team. As per the 41-year-old, the answer was a no-brainer. Considering Boston is his home, Evans has been a vocal supporter of the Patriots.

Chris Evans and Ana de Armas appeared in an interview to promote their recent Apple TV+ movie Ghosted. One of the questions from the Google board was:

"What is Chris Evans' favorite football team?"

Chris Evans replied:

"That's a no-brainer. Patriots".

While promoting his Marvel movies, Evans ended up going into detail about the extent of love for his team:

“Off the charts—a 10".

He also spoke of his home, Masachussets:

“I was never much of a ‘I can’t wait to leave this town’ kind of kid. This is home to me. I have no desire to lay down roots somewhere else... If I have to drive somewhere with the windows down, the music up, on a nice summer day, there’s nowhere I’d rather do it than here.”

While Chris Evans is a Patriots fan, his former co-star Paul Rudd is a Kansas City Chiefs fan. While on 'The Tonight Show Starring Fallon', Evans discussed his fantasy football team with his actor buddies.

Tom Brady almost lost Chris Evans as his fan

A few years ago, Brady's relationship with former president Donald Trump was the stuff of highlights. Evans ended up commenting on the recently retired QB's relationship with the politician.

As far as Evans was concerned, he couldn't support Brady if he was friends with Trump. During a 2019 interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Evans spoke of his love for Brady, but made it clear that his association with Trump was something he was not big on.

This also included things Trump was promoting:

“I don’t know, I really hope he’s not a Trump supporter,” Evans said. “I’m just hoping he’s one of those guys that maybe supported him and now regrets it".

He continued:

“Maybe he thought it was going to be different — and even that bothers me — but maybe there’s a chance now he just thinks Trump’s an absolute dumb s**t, which he is. If he doesn’t, if he’s still on that Trump train, I might have to cut ties.”
Tom Brady at a Carolina Panthers v Tampa Bay Buccaneers game
Tom Brady at a Carolina Panthers v Tampa Bay Buccaneers game

In 2021, Evans (along with Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Pratt) were a part of the Marvel Avengers Fantasy Football League (MAFFL). The $1 million pool money, by FanDuel, would go to charity.

With a strong performance from Brady, Evans ended up raising $80,000 for the cause.

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