
Why is Colin Kaepernick facing backlash over $4 million venture? Comic book artists condemn ex-NFL QB’s plan

Former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick is facing backlash over his new venture. Kaepernick helped raise $4 million for Lumi, which is an AI platform aimed at revolutionizing comic book publishing and creation.

Kaepernick has made it clear that the artists own all the work they create using Lumi, however, since the former quarterback announced it, he is facing backlash. One comic book artist, blasted Kaepernick as he said Lumi is just ripping off the true artists.

"You came into an industry you didn’t understand and were shocked to find out it’s harder than you thought. You found “solutions” by ripping off actual creators. Congratulations, @Kaepernick7. You’ve created a shortcut to mediocrity," Kyle Higgins wrote.

Higgins wasn't the only comic book creator to blast Colin Kaepernick. One creator said he met with Kaepernick and after meeting with him, he was frustrated with what Kaepernick was trying to create, as the comic book creators felt it would ruin the industry.

Kaepernick says his goal is for Lumi to be an end-to-end media company, as the plan is to enter the video world soon. But several comic book artists are not happy with the platform and what Kaepernick is trying to do.

Insider wonders If Colin Kaepernick would join Jim Harbaugh's staff

With Colin Kaepernick's NFL career likely over, NFL insider Mike Florio wondered if the former quarterback could be a coach and join Jim Harbaugh's staff with the Los Angeles Chargers.

Kaepernick was the quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers while Harbaugh was the coach and the two are friends, as the quarterback even attended a Michigan spring practice.

However, former Chargers pass rusher Shawne Merriman doesn't like the idea of Kaepernick coaching his former team.

"Absolutely not. And I think it would be a horrible decision," Merriman said to Fox. "You got a lot of people out there putting in the time, putting in the effort and is waiting in line for those jobs and more qualified for those jobs.
"And to jump over everybody else who spent their time, energy, still in line and work their way up, would just be a slap in the face to everyone that’s been committed to raising the bar."

Kaepernick last played in the NFL in 2016, and he started 58 NFL games. He went 28-30 as a starter and he threw for 12,271 yards, 72 touchdowns and 30 interceptions.

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