
"He’s trying to be politically correct" - NFL fans dismiss Mark Davis' push for a Colin Kaepernick NFL comeback

NFL fans think Mark Davis' push to sign Colin Kaepernick is virtue-signaling
NFL fans think Mark Davis' push to sign Colin Kaepernick is virtue-signaling

Is Las Vegas Raiders' owner Mark Davis interested in resurrecting the dormant NFL career of former San Francisco 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick? Or is he just trying to be politically correct?

NFL fans are split on the question after Mark Davis recently told Monte Poole that he believes in the former second-round pick during NBCSportsBayArea.com's Race in America: A Candid Conversation:

“I believe in Colin Kaepernick. He deserves every chance in the world to become a quarterback in the National Football League. I still stand by it. If our coaches and General Manager want to bring him in or want him to be the quarterback on this team, I would welcome him with open arms.”

Davis explained that he has come to learn that Kaepernick and his decision to kneel during the national anthem was something he originally misunderstood and has come to appreciate:

“I think Colin is a very misunderstood human being. I’ve gotten a chance to talk to him. I never really knew Colin, and I didn’t understand him. I didn’t understand the kneeling, what that meant initially. Over time, I have learned a little bit more about it.”

NFL fans believe Mark Davis' Colin Kaepernick interest is just to appear politically correct

Whether or not Kaepernick deserves a spot in the league is up to each individual front office's assessment of their own needs. It also depends on their belief in Kap's ability to shake off six years of rust to still be capable of playing at the NFL level.

When it comes to Mark Davis' interest in the dual-threat signal-caller, some fans don't sense the authenticity. They instead believe that the Las Vegas Raiders' owner is simply saying the right thing to gain favor with certain media outlets:

@ProFootballTalk He’s trying to be politically correct.
@ProFootballTalk Kinda funny when Kap first kneeled he was on local sport radio taking a hard stance against him.
@ProFootballTalk 6 years out of the NFL other than suing them, 1-10 his last season, Every owner will say the same, “Great guy, should be in the league, If my coach wanted him? Welcome Kap, just not here on this team, good fit somewhere else” Thats all there is to it. Cordial, Tasteful response
@ProFootballTalk https://t.co/B4eyfVkdcF
@ProFootballTalk Well he also believes in his barber so I wouldn't trust his judgement.
@ProFootballTalk The year is 2050 and the national media still won’t shut up about giving Kap a chance
@ProFootballTalk Kaepernick hasn’t played a full speed down in years. He hasn’t read a defense. He hasn’t made split second decisions. He hasn’t been hit or endured the physicality of full speed football. Those skills diminish over time and no team is going to wait for him to get them back.
@ProFootballTalk Kaep has a job in the team cafeteria waiting on him when he's ready.
@ProFootballTalk Then sign him 🤔😂😆🤣
@ProFootballTalk Mark Davis believed in Henry Ruggs too

Clay Travis thinks Colin Kaepernick's 'martyrdom' is over

According to Clay Travis of Outkick, the fact that Kaepernick is attempting to make a comeback to a league he once deemed racist - comparing the NFL Combine to slavery - means that the 'martyrdom' surrounding his banishment from the league is now officially over:

"I kind of welcome it because his martyrdom is over. Colin Kaepernick doesn’t matter anymore if he’s standing on a sideline holding a clipboard; not even good enough to be a starting quarterback in the NFL, which is where I think his skill set would be."

Mark Davis has the chance to make Kaepernick the backup (or primary competition) to Derek Carr, who just led the Raiders to its first postseason appearance since Kap was still in the NFL.

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