
"I'd argue he's the one who doesn't know when to be quiet" - NFL fans slam Cam Newton for derogatory comments on women

Tampa Bay Buccaneers v Carolina Panthers
Tampa Bay Buccaneers v Carolina Panthers

Cam Newton, formerly of the Carolina Panthers, was a recent guest on Barstool Sports' Million Dollaz Worth of Game podcast. The free-agent quarterback made some misogynistic and sexist comments about women that have received large (and appropriate) amounts of negative press.

Here are several tweets on the controversy from fans, followed by the actual comments from Newton made on the podcast.

Twitter user @NicoleAuerbach tweeted to hit the quarterback with his own words.

based on this, I'd argue Cam's the one who doesn't know when to be quiet twitter.com/Mediaite/statu…

This Twitter user admonished the free-agent quarterback and gave him some words of wisdom.

@NicoleAuerbach Maybe growing up in his time the family unit was more stable in that era then our present. His perception of that time to him is what he knows vs today's. As time changed in society McDonald's was for supper and desert was a argument but don't speak the truth you get Twittered.

This particular Twitter user made light of the situation while sharing what they feel Cam Newton should be doing right now.

@NicoleAuerbach Live shot of Cam trying to get himself out of this https://t.co/0AZ59poAxw

The Twitter user @Bill54814650 had a hilarious take on the subject.

@NicoleAuerbach Since we are responding to part of the conversation, I wonder if the responses are coming from those that cook or not🤔👏

This individual has a wish for the former 2015 NFL MVP.

@NicoleAuerbach God may bless Cam Newton with 5 daughters and then he will understand how you refer to women.

@Mikeylikesstuff chose to speak on how they see Newton after the comments.

@NicoleAuerbach narcissists gonna narcissate

@JoeNardone8 believes the former Heisman Trophy winner should focus on the one thing he can control: football.

@NicoleAuerbach Can, maybe you should focus on football and not the nonsense. Go to work and handle your business as your game is a shell of what it used to be. There are a ton of teams needing qbs these days and yet it’s a struggle to find work for some. Wonder why…

This Twitter user wanted to know why the former signal-caller did not choose to walk away from the conversation sooner.

@NicoleAuerbach Just walk away! Even the guys on the radio were just wondering how many ways he was going to step in it. https://t.co/d9t1bulhcP

This particular tweet says it all.

@NicoleAuerbach Holy moly.

This Twitter user had a say when these comments were considered the norm (jokingly).

@NicoleAuerbach When dinosaurs ruled the earth 😊

@BraddMcNeill said the following to the negative comments.

@NicoleAuerbach I have no words 😶

What did Cam Newton say to cause such a backlash?

Atlanta Falcons v Carolina Panthers
Atlanta Falcons v Carolina Panthers

Here are the initial comments made by Newton on his recent visit to the Million Dollaz Worth of Game podcast:

“I had a perfect, perfect example of what a man was like in my life by my father. My parents have been together for 36, 37 years now, and it's a beautiful thing. I grew up in a three-parent household, my mom, my father, and my grandmother. And I knew what a woman was. Not a bad b*tch, a woman, okay? A bad b*tch is a person who's just (like), 'Girl, I'm a bad b*tch. I'm doing this, I'm doing that, I look the part, but I don't act the part.’ And there's a lot of women who are bad b*tches."

Newton ended his baseless comments with the following words:

"And I say b*tches in a way not to degrade women. But just to go off the esthetic of what they deem is a boss chick. Now, a woman for me is handling your own, but knowing how to cater to a man's needs, right? And I think a lot of times when you get that esthetic of like, ‘I’m my boss b*tch. I'm a bad b*tch, I’m this, or I’m that. But you can't cook. Okay, you don't know when to be quiet. You don't know how to allow a man to lead.”

Newton's comments are sexist, misogynistic, and entirely out of place for today's world. He made similar comments in 2017 to a female reporter at a press conference.

The reporter asked the quarterback, who was a member of the Carolina Panthers at that time, a question. He responded that it was "funny to hear a female" ask about football.

The 2015 NFL MVP proves that his views have not changed and have, perhaps, gotten worse towards women.

As of this writing, the former Auburn University standout has yet to apologize or publicly address the comments.

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