
NFL Trade Rumors: Why Is Deshaun Watson Available?

Tennessee Titans v Houston Texans
Tennessee Titans v Houston Texans

Deshaun Watson(A franchise Quarterback) appears to be avaliable for trade. Why?!? Deshaun Watson is one of the NFL's best Quarterbacks and usually players of this calibre are never available but Watson is seemingly available if someone offers the right war chest of assets.

Most franchises play musical chairs with Quarterbacks as they desperately search for "their guy" but the Houston Texans don't seem to realise what they have and must have forgotten what that dreaded experience is like if they feel so comfortable moving off Watson.

The Background Of The Deshaun Watson Trade Request

The Houston Texans made 3 critical errors with Deshaun Watson over the last 4 years that led them down this messy road.

1. A Messy O-Line

From Deshaun Watson's rookie year till the current present season the Houston Texans have failed to protect their star Quarterback. A lot of problems the Texans have faced in the last 4 years could've been solved if they just had a stable offensive line.

2. The Way Other Star Players Were Treated By The Houston Texans

Apparently DeAndre Hopkins was a disruptive locker room presence and now Bill O'Brien isn't even there anymore.

It is so crazy the genisis of the Miami Dolphins 3rd pick in the upcoming draft starts from the trade above. It also must be noted that Duane Brown took a hard stance against his owners "prisoner" comments, their relationship between player - franchise detoriated and Brown was traded to rainy Seattle. Not a good look for the franchise to jettison their franchise left tackle over contract demands and a justified stance.

The constant theme of each trade was that the player in question wanted a new contract, the franchise came to the conclusion the player in question was probably demanding too much, then proceeded to move off said player with the belief that they were a smart franchise who could find value elsewhere and would easily replace them.

A couple of seasons later and the Houston Texans went from back to back division champions to basement dwellers . Who could blame Deshaun Watson for having doubts about tying himself long term to such a dysfunctional organization.

3. The Wrong Promotions

16th Annual Super Bowl Gospel Celebration
16th Annual Super Bowl Gospel Celebration

The hiring of new GM Nick Caserio makes clear that while the face of the New England transplant is gone, off brand Patriots culture will still be present in Houston. Aside from Miami all other Patriots cultural transplants have been failures e.g The Detroit Lions.

Jack Easterby has emerged as lead decision maker for the Houston Texans. Easterby a pastor by trade has worked his way from being a Jacksonville Jaguars intern to a character coach for the New England Patriots and now Executive Vice President of Football Operations for the Houston Texans.

I respect Jack Easterby and his religion but he isn't a football guy but has tremendous say on the football operations of the franchise. How can Deshaun Watson trust his future to the leaders of what was already a failed Patriots culture transplant, they are building an identity off another franchise instead of discovering their own through their franchise QB and most importantly they excluded Deshaun Watson's from the GM/HC search.

The Houston Texans have set off on a course without their field generals consent, do they expect him to just fall in line and do as they pleases. After considering all these factors can we really question why Deshaun Watson wants out of Houston?

Cincinnati Bengals v Houston Texans
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