
Peyton Manning explains the reason behind the massive red mark on his forehead during games

AFC Championship - New England Patriots v Denver Broncos
AFC Championship - New England Patriots v Denver Broncos

Those who remember the Peyton Manning era remember the long, boisterous calls at the line of scrimmage. They remember "Omaha!" Of course, they remember the touchdowns and record-breaking performances. There was also a massive red mark on Manning's forehead when he took his helmet off during games. Anyone remember that? What was that all about?

Peyton Manning's forehead bruise

In an interview with Barstool Sports, Peyton Manning addressed the bruise with a tongue-in-cheek response. The NFL icon said the size of his forehead was the reason for the mark. The helmets were so tight, they would leave marks after wearing them for a short duration.

The reason the helmets need to be that tight is to keep the head safe from contact. A tight helmet means a safe helmet. Without a perfect fit, helmets can cause as much damage as they prevent. Every season, helmets are custom-fit for the best protection.

The last thing a team needs is an injury that could have been prevented with a better helmet.

That said, the interviewers jokingly dismissed Peyton Manning's explanation that was given to him by the training staff. They joked that the staff made up an explanation to keep Manning's red mark around. However, in the NFL, helmets are arguably one of the most important pieces of equipment that make the game relatively safe to play.

That Manning injury

That said, they didn't prevent Manning from suffering multiple injuries. In his final season, Manning had to work through a nasty bout of plantar fascilitis. He also suffered a critical neck injury in the early 2010s that forced him off the field for a season, which eventually led to him playing for the Denver Broncos.

After taking a closer look at the play that caused the neck injury, it can be argued that the helmet may have caused the freak neck injury. During the play, a Washington Redskins defender got his forearm caught under the facemask and essentially pulled him backward. At the same time, another defender got caught under his legs and kept them on the ground.

Indianapolis Colts v New Orleans Saints
Indianapolis Colts v New Orleans Saints

Essentially, Manning was bent over backwards. The injury required neck surgery, and many thought he would never play football again. He did end up recovering, eventually going on to win a Super Bowl. He also set the record for most passing touchdowns in a season.

Also Read: Who is Peyton Manning’s wife, Ashely Manning?

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