
NFL Trade Rumors: Are teams willing to brush aside Deshaun Watson's lawsuits and sexual misconduct allegations?

Houston Texans v Chicago Bears
Houston Texans v Chicago Bears

watson" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Deshaun Watson has had an extremely tumultuous offseason, to say the least.

First, Watson's unhappiness with the Houston Texans became public, and a trade request shortly followed. That kicked off a waiting game between Watson and the Texans. Houston had no desire to trade its franchise quarterback earlier in the offseason.

The trade talks surrounding Watson died down later in the offseason after Watson was accused by multiple massage therapists of sexual misconduct. As it stands today, 22 women have filed lawsuits against Watson for his alleged actions.

After months of hearing very little about a Watson trade, talks resurfaced when NFL insider Tom Pelissero reported that the Texans are now willing to listen to trade offers for their star quarterback.

With the Texans now more open to a trade than ever before, it begs the question: Will teams be willing to brush aside Watson's sexual misconduct allegations and trade for an enormously talented young quarterback?

Would an NFL team take a risk on Deshaun Watson?

If the past has taught us anything, it's that NFL teams are always willing to take a risk on a player with extreme talent. Right or wrong, the NFL has always operated under the idea that if the reward outweighs the risk, then the chance is worth taking.

It's true that if Watson was a special teams player facing these allegations, there wouldn't be an NFL team looking to make a trade.

However, Watson isn't a special teamer. He's a three-time Pro Bowler and one of the best young quarterbacks in the NFL.

In four NFL seasons, Watson has thrown for 14,539 yards and 104 touchdowns. That alone will make him a risk worth taking in the eyes of many NFL teams. Again, right or wrong, that's just how the league works. Talent often outweighs any other concerns.

Ultimately, barring criminal charges pressed against Watson, it seems like a foregone conclusion that an NFL team will end up taking a punt on acquiring Watson.

When Watson actually gets traded, and for how many assets, is a question that will take some time to answer.

When is a Watson trade likely to take place?

While an NFL team is likely to risk it and trade for Watson, it's not likely they'll do so at the price Houston wants for the star QB.

According to NFL insider Chris Mortensen, the Texans want some combination of five high draft picks and starting-caliber players.

If Watson wasn't facing 22 lawsuits for alleged sexual misconduct, Houston's demands wouldn't be out of place, but that just doesn't seem reasonable anymore.

The Texans' asking price is steep for a guy who may not even be eligible to play in the 2021 season. The lawsuits are still ongoing and the NFL's investigation into the matter is still ongoing as well. Clarity is hard to come by in this situation.

It's a good time to bring back the aforementioned part about the reward outweighing the risk. Acquiring Watson at a discount will be seen as the reward outweighing the risk, but trading for Watson at the price Houston wants is much, much riskier.

If you're a team ready to compete in 2021 - like the Miami Dolphins - it's hard to justify giving up a ton of draft picks and high-end players for a guy who may end up getting a suspension. The price will need to come down to make the risk palatable.

From the Texans' perspective, it's easy to see why they want a ton of value for Watson. He's been an immense quarterback. However, the sexual misconduct allegations are going to keep offers on the lower side.

Until there is more clarity on Watson's situation or until the Texans lower the asking price, it's hard to see a trade happening soon.

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