
Watch: Bills fan takes pre-game ritual to next level by jumping on to burning table

Fan jumps on table - Credit: Jomboy Media on Twitter
Fan jumps on table - Credit: Jomboy Media on Twitter
Carolina Panthers v Buffalo Bills
Carolina Panthers v Buffalo Bills

The Bills are known for their passionate fanbase, but this is something else. There are plenty of videos of people jumping off cars and smashing tables at various parties around the world.

However, jumping onto and smashing a table on fire is a new twist on an old trope. Here's a video of a fan doing just that, as jumping on a vanilla table just wasn't cutting it anymore.

WATCH: Buffalo Bills fan jumps on burning table for glory

Carolina Panthers v Buffalo Bills
Carolina Panthers v Buffalo Bills

The clip, just 14 seconds long, shows a fan poised on the back of a pickup truck. He leaps into the air and piledrives the table.

The table, clearly ablaze with a fire close in size to a small campfire, gets the worst of the shoulder. However, the fire gives as good as it got and had the last laugh.

Not sure what this guy expected when he literally jumped on a fire https://t.co/D0cUS4dQ2R

The table splits down the middle, but the fan lands squarely in the center of the fire. The fire instantly sets his clothes ablaze and the screaming group of viewers watch him instantly roll to the ground to put out the fire.

The attempt failed as his beanie was tossed to the side and set ablaze.

Also Read: 5 Crazy fan signs on this week's SmackDown

As bystanders stomp out the fire, the camera pans to the fan who looks dazed. Thinking he put the fire out, he lays on the ground.

However, his shoulder is still on fire. Realizing this after a second, the fan continues to roll around on the ground.

The person recording the video, realizing he should stop, does. The fan was still on fire when the video cut out, but one can only hope the fan is okay.

An extremely Buffalo photo #BillsMafia

AP/Photo Jeffrey T. Barnes https://t.co/DyIjygTszV

Red solo cups littered the floor and cases of beer were seen behind the fan, so one can only assume what was involved that led to this "burst of creativity."

The Bills are 8-6 and sit in the seventh spot in the AFC playoff race. After being arguably the hottest team in the NFL to kickoff this season, the Bills have hit a wall.

Nevertheless, with three games to go, the drama is at an all-time high for the Bills organization. The stress is driving hardcore fans to new levels and could also be a factor in the decision to relieve stress by fire.

Will the Bills make the playoffs? If they do, this fan may have given himself a new pre-game ritual based on superstition.

Of course, after that experience, that is likely the last thing the fan wants.

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