
How to get Feraligatr in Pokemon GO, and can it be shiny?

Feraligatr in Pokemon GO is a powerful GBL contender that can be used in the Great League, Ultra League, and Master League. It is typically obtained by evolving Totodile into Croconaw and Croconaw into Feraligatr. It is also a great Water-type attacker but must learn the Water Gun and Hydro Cannon attacks to become that. Feraligatr is a sought-after creature for the stated reasons.

Feraligatr is a Water-type Pocket Monster from the Johto region. It can learn Ghost-, Ice-, and Water-type moves. This article explains everything you need to know to acquire Feraligatr in Pokemon GO.

Also read: Is Feraligatr with Hydro Cannon good in PvP and PvE?

How to get Feraligatr in Pokemon GO

Feraligatr in the anime. (Image via TPC)
Feraligatr in the anime. (Image via TPC)

You can obtain Feraligatr in Pokemon GO:

  • Wild encounters
  • Raid Battles
  • Evolution process
  • Trade
  • Research Tasks

Wild encounters

You can get your hands on Feraligatr by catching them in the wild. Whether there is an event featuring the Pokemon or not, it can normally be encountered, with chances being boosted by Rainy weather.

Feraligatr that you encounter and catch in the wild has the following maximum CP:

  • No weather boost: 2,449
  • Weather boost (Rain): 2,653

Also read: Feraligatr: Best moveset, counters, and is it any good?

Raid battles

Ferligatr (Image via TPC)
Ferligatr (Image via TPC)

You can challenge Feraligatr in Pokemon GO raids to obtain it. As a 3-star boss, this creature boasts a combat power of 18,807 and a Stamina stat of 3,600 HP. Therefore, you should use the best counters against Feraligatr to defeat it.

Also read: Pokemon GO Mega Pinsir raid: Weaknesses and best counters

Due to Feraligatr’s typing, it is weak to only Grass- and Electric-type attacks. You can deal massive damage to Feraligatr in 3-star raids using these moves.

Counters to Feraligatr in the game:

  • Mega Sceptile: Fury Cutter and Frenzy Plant
  • Kartana: Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade
  • Zekrom: Charge Beam and Fusion Bolt
  • Shadow Raikou: Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
  • Mega Sceptile: Thunder Fang and Wild Charge

Evolution process

If you don’t have the option to directly catch a Feraligatr in events, you can evolve a Totodile into a Croconaw using 25 Candy and then a Croconaw into a Feraligatr using 100 Candy. You can also evolve Shiny Totodile in a similar process.


You can ask your in-game friends to trade Feraligatr with you. If they have one and are willing to trade the creature, it is possible to get a Feraligatr in Pokemon GO this way.

Research tasks

Feraligatr has been featured in Research quests as a reward. The Totodile Community Day Classic Special Research offers a Feraligatr encounter.

Can Feraligatr be shiny in Pokemon GO?

Shiny Feraligatr (Image via TPC)
Shiny Feraligatr (Image via TPC)

Yes, Feraligatr can be shiny in the game. Apart from the Community Day research, the only way to get one is by evolving a Shiny Totodile.

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