
How to get Totodile in Pokemon GO, and can it be shiny?

Totodile in Pokemon GO is a weak-looking creature but it has the potential to outperform many strong contenders as an unevolved Feraligatr in the GO Battle League. It can be shiny in the game and is caught for various purposes, from showcasing to friends to battling. The Totodile Community Day Classic event will take place on March 22, 2025, from 2 pm to 5 pm local time featuring Totodile and its evolutions.

Here is everything you need to know to get your hands on Totodile in Pokemon GO.

How to get Totodile in Pokemon GO

Totodile using Superpower. (Image via TPC)
Totodile using Superpower. (Image via TPC)

Given below are the ways to acquire Totodile in Pokemon GO:

  • Wild encounters
  • Egg hatches
  • Raid Battles
  • Research task encounter rewards
  • Trade

Also read: Is Feraligatr with Hydro Cannon good in Pokemon GO PvP and PvE?

Wild encounters

Totodile (Image via TPC)
Totodile (Image via TPC)

Totodile can be found by walking around. Lure items and Rainy weather increases its appearance rate. The March Community Day Classic will also drastically boost its encounter rate.

The maximum catch of Totodile obtained from the wild are as follows:

  • No weather boost: 970
  • Weather boost: 1,051

Also read: Pokemon GO Totodile Community Day Classic PvP and PvE analysis

Egg hatches

Totodile in Pokemon GO has been featured in Eggs multiple times across seasons and events. Whenever it returns as an Egg hatch in the game, you can place the Eggs featuring Totodile inside the incubators to come by it.

You can acquire a Level 20 Totodile with a max CP of 646 from Eggs. It can be evolved into Croconaw using 25 Candy and then Croconaw into Feraligatr using 100 Candy.

Raid Battles

You can take down Totodile in Raid Battles to obtain the creature. It is weak to Electric- and Grass-type moves. You can use these moves to counter Totodile. The creature you obtain from Totodile raids has the following maximum CP catch:

  • No weather boost: 646
  • Weather boost: 808

Research task encounter rewards

Totodile in the anime (Image via TPC)
Totodile in the anime (Image via TPC)

The Totodile you encounter as a reward for completing Research tasks has a maximum catch CP of 485.

Also read: Totodile Community Day Classic Timed Research tasks and rewards


You can always ask your in-game to trade a Totodile with you by meeting in person. If it has never been caught by you before, it will count as a Special Trade.

Can Totodile be shiny in Pokemon GO?

Shiny Totodile (Image via TPC)
Shiny Totodile (Image via TPC)

Totodile in Pokemon GO can be shiny because it has been available for collectors to obtain since January 2019. It can be encountered in the wild, in raids, in Eggs, and other methods that guide catchers to get regular Totodile.

Also read: How to evolve Totodile into Croconaw and Feraligatr

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