Wordle #369 answer for Thursday, June 23

The growing popularity of Wordle has people eagerly anticipating a new puzzle every day.
The mini-quiz was introduced in October 2021 but took the world by storm in early 2022. While the initial hype about the game has died down, many have made this game a part of their everyday routine. Each user gets six guesses to land on the correct answer.
This article contains clues and the solution to Thursday's challenge.
The solution for Wordle #369 rhymes with “sink”
1) The word begins with the letter B
2) The word contains the letter N
3) The word has only one vowel in it
4) The word ends with the letter K
Today’s answer is a word that rhymes with "sink" and "drink."
The Wordle solution for Thursday, June 23, is the word “brink.”
The word “Brink” is a noun meaning the edge or border of a steep place. It is synonymous with verge, margin, rim, and edge.
Here’s how the word can be used in a sentence: John was standing on the brink of the cliff, that’s when Devin pulled him.
Tips to crack the daily Wordle challenge
Trends come and go, but games like Wordle make an everlasting impact on the player. Since the game gives users a mere six chances, people often look for hints to crack the word in just one go. To make the quest easier, here are a few tips and tricks you can try the next time you play the game:
1) Always begin with a 5-lettered word that has the maximum number of vowels at the same time. For example, 'Pious' or 'Opium.' This is how you can get the vowels in the first go. Generally, no word is complete without vowels, hence getting the vowels in the first move can save you some future moves, and get you to the answer faster.
2) The second turn should be used to guess a word that has no repeating letters from the first one. Words like 'Hello,' 'Radar,' Apple, and 'Cliff.' This is so that you can get maximum words with a yellow or green mark.
3) Use words that use a common consonant first. Using letters like B, R, S, and N are extremely common and most often used in words for the challenge. Keep Xs, Qs, and Js for the end.
4) Use your combinations cleverly. Certain letters in the English language often, if not always, go together. For example, CH, ST, and ER. Seeing letters like MP, GH and VY together are quite uncommon.
5) Position your letter smartly. Since we know that most words have the vowels either in between or in the end, take two chances to use such words. Position your consonants accordingly to get the word out much faster.
For those who are struggling to get the right answer in wordle, make sure to eliminate the incorrect letters. Knocking out these letters will get you to your correct word much faster, and possibly even without needing hints! A lot of people also swear by never breaking the streak - hence, seeking hints to keep up their scores.