"You need to act now to stop Russian aggression" - Wladimir Klitschko sends out new appeal over Russia's Ukraine invasion
Wladimir Klitschko has once again taken to social media to plead for the end of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
The legendary heavyweight champion boxer retired from the sport in 2017, and has remained in his home country since. Alongside his brother Vitali Klitschko, he's been a largely influential figure in the nation. His influence has grown even more since Russia's threats against Ukraine.
Last month, with the impending threat of Russian invasion, Wladimir enrolled in the reserve ranks of the military. Due to the invasion of the country by Russia, the former heavyweight champion has been forced into action as the reserve ranks have been called upon.
While the invasion is ongoing, Wladimir Klitschko has taken to social media to plead for assistance from world leaders and to end the war. He once again took to Twitter to ask for help in ending the Russian aggression. He said:
"I'm Wladimir Klitschko, and I'm addressing the entire world to stop this war that Russia has started. Just today, civilians were shot with rockets, special operations killing civilians. It's happening in the heart of Europe. There's no time to wait, it's going to lead to catastrophe. You have to act now to stop Russian aggression with anything you have, now. In an hour, or by tomorrow, it'll be too late."
Watch Wladimir Klitschko's video discussing the Russian invasion below:
Both Wladimir Klitschko and his brother have vowed to take up arms in the face of invasion
While Wladimir Klitschko is currently pleading with world leaders to end the violence in his home country, he's also prepared to do whatever it takes. Alongside his brother Vitali, both men have vowed to defend their home soil.
While Wladimir enrolled in the reserve ranks last month, his brother is currently the mayor of Kyiv, the current capital of Ukraine. While both men have been outspoken against the ongoing Russian aggression, they're both seemingly prepared to do whatever it takes.
In an interview with Good Morning Britain, the older brother Vitali noted that he too will take up arms to defend his country. Despite his political position, he intends to fight alongside his countrymen, as he has no other choice. He said:
“It’s already a bloody war. There are already dead Ukrainians. We don’t have exact numbers but we know, many many examples right now. I don’t have another choice [than to take up arms], I have to do that. I would fight.”
Watch Vitali Klitschko discuss having to fight in the video below: