Exclusive: Kotto Brazil on Injustice's success in MLW & not being part of the Opera Cup

Arguably the fastest-growing wrestling league today, Major League Wrestling -- MLW, for short -- is seen around the world weekly via its TV series Major League Wrestling: FUSION, which regularly includes the likes of MJF, "Filthy" Tom Lawlor, Ross and Marshall Von Erich, Low Ki, LA Park, Salina De La Renta, Myron Reed and Injustice, Mance Warner, Davey Boy Smith Jr., Brian Pillman Jr. and ACH. MLW is also the parent company of the MLW Radio Network, the leading provider of professional wrestling podcasts in the world.
Among the top talent recently seen on Major League Wrestling: FUSION is Injustice. Comprised of Kotto Brazil, Jordan Oliver and MLW World Middleweight Championship holder Myron Reed, Injustice is currently undefeated within MLW, yet none of the group's members were invited to take part within the company's Opera Cup.
While on-site for the December 5, 2019 taping of Major League Wrestling: FUSION at New York City's Melrose Ballroom, I had the pleasure of interviewing Kotto Brazil -- with the blessing of Myron Reed, of course -- backstage. We mainly talked about New York and life outside of wrestling, paired with a little discussion about the "injustice" which kept the trio out of this year's MLW Opera Cup.
The full conversation is embedded below, while part of the chat has been trascribed exclusively for Sportskeeda. For more on Kotto Brazil, you can follow him on social media via www.twitter.com/snoopstrikesoao and www.instagram.com/snoopoao; the Paltrocast With Darren Paltrowitz can be downloaded via iTunes and PureGrainAudio.com.
On the injustices that he, Myron Reed and Jordan Oliver face in MLW:
Kotto Brazil: This isn't how it is in life, especially in MLW. They don't want us to succeed, bro. You see it. We're undefeated, Myron is the Middleweight Champ... They've got this Opera Cup coming up. It's supposed to be the best of the best. We're undefeated, he's the champ, why are we not in the Cup? Why? Tell me why? Is there a good reason we should not be in there? There really isn't. So they put us down us alternates. Who the hell wants to be alternates?
On what is coming up for Kotto Brazil:
Kotto Brazil: Everything, man. Kotto is just trying to make moves, that's what I do. Everything and anything... I'm not focused on the past, I'm not focused on what I did, because I know there's a lot more to be done. Especially with Injustice taking off right now... We've gotta take what we earned, so I'm always looking forward.