
Impact Wrestling Final Hour Results (08/11/18)

Impact Wrestling presents
Impact Wrestling presents "Final Hour"

Welcome to Impact Wrestling's "Final Hour". Tonight's show promises to be a memorable night for Impact Wrestling. Full of action, excitement and high adrenaline action that you expect from the stars of Impact. Without any further ado let's get started!

As you can see, tonight's show has a stacked card for Final Hour. The main event tonight features Impact Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion Johnny Impact defending his title against the unstoppable force known as Killer Kross.

Also, we will witness the much-anticipated debut of Jordynne Grace. A rematch from Bound for Glory, as Eddie Edwards takes on Moose. The Lucha Brothers, Pentagon Jr., and Fenix look to get revenge against The OGz, Homicide and Hernandez in a tag team match. "The Machine" Brian Cage makes a trip to Ohio to confront the trio of oVe. What does Eli Drake and Joseph Park have to say to the fans of Impact Wrestling?

We kick things off tonight with a segment between Johnny Impact and Killer Kross. Killer Kross says he will be the last man standing tall as your new Impact Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion. Johnny Impact says tonight will be the night that Impact Wrestling fans and Johnny Impact finds out what Killer Kross is made of. We then go to the ring for our first match of the evening.

The Lucha Bros. vs The OGz

The OGz (Homicide & Hernandez) vs The Lucha Bros. (Pentagon Jr. & Fenix)
The OGz (Homicide & Hernandez) vs The Lucha Bros. (Pentagon Jr. & Fenix)

Hernandez and Fenix start the match off, as Fenix is pushed down a couple times as he gets dropped hard with a headbutt. Hernandez chops Fenix in the corner then gets Irish whipped into the ropes, he comes back and kicks Hernandez. Hernandez drills Fenix with a running shoulder tackle, as they begin to double team Pentagon Jr. Pentagon Jr. and Homicide take the fight to the rampway. Meanwhile, Hernandez hits a Spinning Backbreaker and gets the two count on Fenix.

Homicide tosses Pentagon Jr. back into the ring. Hernandez follows up with a Senton Splash, then goes for the chin lock. Hernandez makes the tag to Homicide. They attempt to double team Pentagon Jr., but Pentagon Jr. reverses with some stiff kicks and is able to tag in Fenix.

Fenix comes into the ring in roaring fashion, as he hits a Standing Diving Headbutt off the top rope on Homicide, then follows up with a middle-rope Diving Headbutt to Hernandez for good measure. The crowd pops with a thunderous roar. The OGz manager, King tries to interfere but gets taken out by Fenix, as Fenix takes him down with a Diving Moonsault to the floor.

Hernandez retaliates by diving through the ropes on all four men, taking everyone down outside the ring. Shortly thereafter, the men come back inside the ring as The OGz double team Pentagon Jr. Homicide hits a series of Vertical Suplexes on Fenix.

This is followed up by a Sit-Out Powerbomb by Hernandez to Fenix for a near fall, as the pin attempt gets broken up by Pentagon Jr. The Lucha Bros. delivers a series of forearm shots to The OGz, followed up by a Double Superkick and a Double Footstomp to the groin area on Homicide.

The momentum shifts temporarily, as Hernandez overpowers the Lucha Bros. He sets Pentagon Jr. on the top rope, as Homicide runs in. However, Fenix catches Homicide with a vicious Superkick to counter his efforts.

This gives Pentagon Jr. the opportunity needed to connect with a Double Footstomp on Hernandez. Fenix climbs to the top rope and connects with a beautiful Swanton Bomb, as Pentagon Jr. follows this up with yet another Double Footstomp. Pentagon Jr. uses Fenix as they double team Hernandez and finish off with a combination Electric Chair/Wheel Barrow Slam. Pentagon Jr. covers Hernandez for the three count and the victory!

The Lucha Bros def. OGz

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