
MLW Fusion: Episode 31 Results - Lawlor vs Callihan Chicago Street Fight

MLW Fusion
MLW Fusion

MLW Fusion is a weekly show broadcasted at 8 pm (EST) every Friday night on beIN Sports Network. Replays are shown at 11 pm (EST). Each episode is posted on their YouTube channel the following evening at 6 pm (EST).

MLW typically holds their taping locations in Orlando, Florida. MLW features wrestlers from across the globe from various independent promotions, also Ring of Honor, Impact Wrestling, Lucha Underground, New Japan Pro Wrestling and other organizations. A “fusion” of all the different styles in professional wrestling.

Opening Package showing highlights of past MLW shows leading up to the present day, featuring stars such as Terry Funk, Sabu, Dusty Rhodes, CM Punk, Steve Corino and more!

We kick things off with a recap of last week’s show when Low Ki and Doga had their match, which led to Low Ki removing a piece of his ear. Low Ki cut a promo saying that everyone will respect his title reign.

Low Ki, Sarina and Ricky Martinez greets Konnan. He asks how Doga is doing. Calling him a trophy. He refers to Rey Fenix’s mask and wants to add even more, including Konnan’s career. He gives Konnan a warning that he’s messing with the wrong guy.

He says this is a new era, new age. He says that people handle their disputes in different ways and gives Konnan a chance to redeem himself. He challenges Konnan to a match. Konnan replies by saying that if he wanted some smoke, he would’ve made the challenge ten years ago when he doesn’t train and wrestle. He says no. Sarina calls him a “little bitch”. Konnan says he sees three little bitches and walks away.

Tom Lawlor cuts a promo on Low Ki and Sami Callihan. He says that Low Ki fears him. Sami Callihan will be finished when they meet in Chicago. This will be the last time that Sami ever steps foot in MLW Fusion and says he will take his baseball and shove it straight up his ass.

Tom Lawlor and Sami Callihan street fight match is promoted for later tonight. Along with Size Matters vs the Dirty Blondes. We then go to ringside for our first matchup of the night. We are joined by Tony Schiavone and Rich Bocchini on commentary

Ricky Martinez vs Doctor Rex Bacchus

Martinez strikes Rex down with a headbutt, using the face mask as a weapon. He then drives Rex down to the mat with repeated head scissors mat slams and gets a one count. Rex fights back with a big boot. Rex hops up on the top turnbuckle and gets taken down with an Electric Chair Facebuster for a two count. Wheelbarrow Suplex by Martinez. Lights Out for Bacchus, as Martinez connects with his finisher and pins him for the 3 count.

Winner: Ricky Martinez

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