MLW Fusion Results (April 21st, 2021): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

MLW Fusion is making big waves as of late after announcing a new television deal with VICE TV, the same station that Dark Side of The Ring airs on. You can read all about that news here.
MLW Fusion opened up with a video package of the feud between TJP and his former protege, Bu Ku Dao. After the package aired, the MLW Fusion show opener aired.
It was announced that The Interview Queen Alicia Atout would be interviewing MLW CEO Court Bauer. Hammerstone held his press conference, and King Mo was looking for a fight too.
MLW Fusion Match One: Gino Medina vs. Rocky Romero

Announcers make it known that NJPW and MLW have been exchanging talent. Rocky Romero is the host of the MLW Radio Network Podcast Talk'n Shop. They also brought up how "Filthy" Tom Lawlor had also been going to NJPW.
While announcers Ray Flores and Jared St. Laurent made it known that MLW and NJPW have a working relationship, announcers were clear that Gino Medina lost last week to Richard Holliday.
Below you can watch Richard Holiday in an exclusive interview with SK Wrestling.
MLW Fusion's opening match between Medina and Romero started slow. Romero hit a giant baseball slide on Medina that launched him to the steps of the entrance. He started swinging his arm around with a wind up that he would hit a big punch but poked Medina in the eye instead.
Romero followed with a series of closelines in the corner of the ring. He hit closelines and was met with Medina's finishing move on the fourth closeline, but the latter could only record a two-count.
Medina followed up with Manzanita Twist. Unfortunately, Medina did not do well.
A reversal by Romero led to him finishing Medina with an armbar. Ray Flores made it known that Medina is now on a losing sreak at MLW Fusion after his second loss in a row.
Winner: Rocky Romero
Grade: B+
MLW Fusion Promos and News
Alicia Atout disagreed with a poster that Richard Holliday had made up. What do you think about it?
Alicia Atout caught up with Lio Rush about having to face Myron Reed for the MLW Middleweight Championship.
MLW Fusion Match Two: King Mo vs. Robert Martyr
Ray Flores told listeners there is a new MLW Championship committee, and the committee watched the match not to see if King Mo wins, but for how dominant he was.
Martyr locked in a triangle choke, but King Mo lifted him and dropped him hard to the mat. King Mo locked in the Carvate, and the match was over.
After the match, King Mo had words for Low Ki.
Winner: King Mo
Grade: B
MLW Fusion Promos and News
"Filthy" Tom Lawlor challenged Marshell Von Erich to a match. Note: Marshell Von Erich has a known knee injury.
Alcica welcomed MLW CEO Court Bauer on the show. Court Bauer said MLW is no longer the best-kept secret, as MLW and VICE TV are working on other things.
Alcica asked about upcoming events, and Court Bauer announced Lio Rush vs. Myron Reed for the MLW Middleweight Championship. The fight will go down on July 10 with crowds at the 2,300-capacity old ECW arena. Tickets at mlw2300.com.
Contra cut the feed off, before Josef Samael said he could run MLW in a snap of his fingers. He added that millions will see what Contra Unit can do.
MLW Fusion Main Event: Bu Ku Dao vs. TJP

Bu Ku Dao entered the ring first, TJP was out next, and then te referee called for the bell. Bu Ku Dao went for a kick, but TJP just shoved him backward. TJP had a standing leglock on Dao, and Dao swept TJP's feet for the reversal.
TJP rolled out of the ring after an arm drag from Dao, but then drove Dao into the apron and rolled him back into the ring. TJP bodyslammed Dao, went to the apron, and hit a springboard senton bomb for the two-count.
He had Dao in the anchor hold and creatively turned it into a pin. TJP then pulled Dao up and smacked him with an uppercut, but the latter gained offense and hit a crossbody from the top rope.
Dao's offense did not last long and was met with a powerbomb by TJP. The former WWE star had Dao in a Mexican Stretch and the screams from Dao were loud. TJP slid him back for a pin but only received a two-count.
Dao regained offense again with a series of dropkicks, followed by hitting a bulldog. He started treating TJP like a punching bag and jumped from the middle rope, but TJP drop kicked Dao mid-air.
TJP was then caught on the top rope. Dao went to the top, but TJP got back up quickly. TJP hit a superplex off the top rope and locked in an octopus stretch.
The two men exchanged punches, before Dao hit a middle rope spinning flatliner for the win.
"The student has beaten the teacher" - MLW Fusion commentator Ray Flores.
Winner: Bu Ku Dao
Grade: A
Alexander Hammerstone Press Conference
To finish, Alexander Hammerstone challenged Jacob Fatu to a MLW National Openweight Championship-MLW Heavyweight Championship unification match.