MLW Fusion Results (November 25th, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

MLW Fusion kicked off this week by airing the 2020 Opera Cup tournament bracket. We saw a preview for Tom Lawlor versus New Japan Pro Wrestling's Rocky Romero ahead of the opening introduction.
To check last weeks results, click here
After introducing the show, announcers briefly discussed the tournament until the first round match between TJP and Richard Holliday.
Opera Cup first round match: Richard Holliday vs. TJP
MLW tryout referee Larry Peace Jr was the opening referee, just like last week. Holliday made Peace hold his ICW Caribbean Championship up as though it was on the line.
The announcers focused on the size difference between Holliday and TJP. In the middle of the match, the screen went static and the Contra symbol appeared on the screen. However, the commentary team didn't acknowledge it.
Holliday came off as a modern-day Rick "The Model" Martel. TJP would hit an awesome springboard dropkick on Holliday from inside the ring to the outside. TJP then had Holliday in the middle of the ring in a sharpshooter, but the latter escaped out of it. TJP kept control of the match, until a closeline to outside of the ring apron.
TJP would miss a swanton bomb and get hit with a spinebuster. Holliday then hit the market crash and picked up the victory.
Grade: B - It was a pretty solid match with good back and forth action, and TJP and Holliday played the weight advantage perfectly.
Lio Green, f.k.a Lio Rush, was then shown in a segment saying MLW is paying the big bucks to have him there. Lio Green said he wants to start with a title match, before he kicked the camera crew out of the studio.
Another segment then showed King Mo's anger that he's not in the Opera Cup. He said that Low Ki should not wrestle in the bracket.
After, MLW Fusion returned with the commentary team. Selina De La Renta interrupted the announce team to tell everyone that she'll sue MLW if her credentials get taken away.
Viewers then see The Von Erich Family wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
MLW Fusion match 2: Calvin Tankman vs. Robert Martyr
Calvin, 355lbs was taking on Martyr, all of 165lbs. The referee was Larry Peace Jr. again, for what was a squash match. Martyr attempted to have some offense, but Tankman hit one massive closeline and then his finishing move, Tankman Driver.
Grade: N/A - For the second week in a row, the middle match is a squash match. This match can't be graded, as it didn't last two minutes. However, it would be interesting to see more of Calvin Tankman.
Opera Cup first round match: Rocky Romero vs. "Filthy" Tom Lawlor
The match started off very technical with many headlocks by Romero on Lawlor. Romero would hit an amazing diving knee onto Lawlor on the outside, while the referee started the 20 count. MLW does a traditional 20 count like in Japan, however, most wrestling companies in the United States have a 10 count.
The match went back to a technical style as Romero locked Lawlor into a Octopus stretch. The two men would exchange chops and Lawlor would get Romero in a ankle lock.
Romero went for a springboard tornedo DDT, but would lock in a chokehold instead. Romero would go for the tornedo DDT and spike Lawlor on his head.
Lawlor was almost done for when Romero hit a running slice bread, but the former barely kicked out. The two exchanged palm strikes, before Lawlor went for a back slide pin and got a two count.
Romero looked to roll up Lawlor for the pin, but found himself trying to fight off a chokehold. Lawlor used his legs to underhook Romero's arms and roll over for the victory.
Grade: A+ - This match had something for every fan of wrestling. It should have been the finals of the Opera Cup. Both Romero an Lawlor looked excellent.
After the match, Lawlor cut a promo and the announcers would then discuss next week's MLW Fusion Opera Cup match between Davey Boy Smith Jr. and Low Ki.
Make sure to tune in next week with Sportskeeda for MLW Fusion results.