
Top 5 WWE Main Roster Matches of 2018

Honorable Mention: Ronda Rousey made her memorable WWE debut at WrestleMania 34 in a mixed tag team match, teaming with Kurt Angle to defeat Triple H and Stephanie McMahon
Honorable Mention: Ronda Rousey made her memorable WWE debut at WrestleMania 34 in a mixed tag team match, teaming with Kurt Angle to defeat Triple H and Stephanie McMahon

2018 hasn't exactly been the best year for WWE. From being consistently out-shined by what is considered to be the "developmental" brand of the company to having the lowest ratings for weekly RAW and Smackdown episodes in history, WWE's main roster has plenty to improve upon.

With that said, there were several bright spots throughout the year, where many main roster Superstars were given the spotlight and delivered some of the most stunning matches we have seen throughout the course of this year.

From world-class athletes like AJ Styles and Daniel Bryan tearing the house down against multiple opponents to the rapid acceleration of the Women's Evolution, we have seen quite a few stellar clashes on the main roster.

As the last pay-per-view of the year, TLC, has come and gone, and the year comes to a close, let's take a look back and reflect on all the great matches WWE has given us this year. With that in mind, here is this author's humble opinion on the top 5 WWE main roster matches of the 2018 calendar year.

5. Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre - Raw Tag Team Championship: Hell in a Cell

The Showoff and The Scottish Psychopath defended their titles against 2/3 of the Shield at HIAC
The Showoff and The Scottish Psychopath defended their titles against 2/3 of the Shield at HIAC

In one of the best tag team bouts of the year, these four men showed the true potential of the RAW tag team division and just how fantastic they all truly are at putting on an entertaining show for the WWE Universe. While these two groups faced each other many different times alongside different people, this particular bout has always stood out among the rest.

This bout started off as a regular RAW tag team match, where the heels suck the energy out of the faces, yet the faces mount a comeback and score the victory. But this time, it was different. There were two cycles of the comeback, leaving the WWE Universe guessing as to when it would end and who would win, almost seeming as if the match had gone on for too long.

But it was perfect timing: the WWE Universe could not take their eyes off the match as high spot followed high spot, and near fall followed near fall. The power of Dean and Drew coupled with the athleticism of Dolph and Seth made for a perfect combination, as they all played off each other extremely well. There was never a chance to rest, as the action just kept going at a high pace.

Eventually, just as Rollins was about to hit the Falcon Arrow on Ziggler, McIntyre hit a Claymore Kick out of nowhere, allowing a nearly lifeless Dolph to cover Seth and retain the titles for his team. McIntyre and Ziggler walked out with the belts, but they left a piece of themselves in that grueling yet exciting match. Indeed, this rivalry was far from over, as it these 4 continued to deliver quality matches on RAW, at live events, and on multiple pay-per-views throughout the year.

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