WWE History Vol. 16: 10 Fan favorite funny moments

In an entertainment medium where large, musclebound men fight for belts, it's no wonder that there are some moments of utter hilarity that stick with fans long after the bell rings.
Sometimes the humor is from a gaffe or an accident, and sometimes it's a fully scripted event that achieves its goals of tickling the audience's funny bone. WWE has been around in its current form since the early 1980s and existed before that as the WWWF--World Wide Wrestling Federation -- under the leadership of Vince McMahon's father, Vince Sr.
With so many hilarious circumstances to choose from, it can be hard to whittle the list down to a manageable size. But that's exactly what we've done for you, our dear readers.
Here are ten of the fan-favorite funniest events from WWE History. Enjoy!
WWE Funniest Moment #1: Kane and Daniel Bryan, Anger Management.

Long before Daniel Bryan's heel turn, he was pushing the "NO" gimmick hard. Daniel Bryan would shout NO, NO, NO to a variety of circumstances, and the WWE Universe would taunt him with chants of "YES YES YES."
In the middle of this strange mix was Kane, the big red machine who had been feuding with Daniel Bryan. But wrestling makes for strange bedfellows, and the duo soon became a tag team.
To function better as a unit, they wound up taking anger management classes together. That sounds like a cringe-worthy idea on paper, but give credit to Bryan and Kane because they pulled it off with hilarious results.
Not only did they provide a lot of great laughs for the WWE Universe, but the anger management sessions also led to the Yes movement and Bryan's catapult to superstardom.
Full credit to Kane here though for having the ability to pull off just about any gimmick with aplomb.