
WWE Women's Quarterly Report Card

How have the women of WWE fared in the first quarter of 2018?


Wrestling is a difficult sport to rate objectively because it is a scripted athletic drama.

However, there are ways by which the overall success of any given wrestler can be judged with a measure of objectivity. By breaking down the elements of what constitutes a 'good run,' we can arrive at a conclusion about the overall status of the said wrestler with a good degree of clarity and accuracy.

Quarterly reports are important in many business ventures, as they are a good indicator of the overall success or failure of the business. That can apply to pro wrestling as well, where you can see the full data from four months and draw a conclusion about where the wrestler is at and where they are likely to go from here.

The Women of WWE will be judged on the following criteria. )

Wins/losses (booking.): Even in a scripted sport, wins and losses matter. A wrestler's win/loss rate is a good indicator of their success over the quarter.

Popularity: In the case of babyface wrestlers, this is how much the crowd cheers. In the case of a heel, it's how much they are booed. Whichever side of the fence the wrestler belongs on, this criteria relates to how over they are with the crowd.

Championships: Like a good win record, championships indicate the amount of success a wrestler is having by virtue of how much the company invests in her.

Crossover Appeal: Are people outside of wrestling fandom likely to know the wrestler? Also relevant is how much of a presence/following the wrestler has on social media sites like Twitter.

Here are the WWE women and their grades, in no particular order.

Alexa Bliss


The Pint-sized terror of the women's division has truly claimed her spot in WWE. How has 2018 treated her so far?

Wins/losses: With five wins and ten losses, Alexa doesn't score high in this category, but it could be a lot worse. Grade: D

Popularity: Little Miss Bliss is perfectly over with the WWE audience in her heel role, getting an apropos amount of boos. She is also credible in a championship role. Grade: A

Championships: Bliss held the Raw women's championship for most of the year before losing it to Nia Jax at Wrestlemania. Grade: A

Crossover Appeal: From her appearances on Total Divas to a strong social media presence, Alexa is more recognizable than many of her ilk. Grade: B

Overall Grade: B Alexa Bliss is firing on all cylinders and had a good start to 2018.

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