
5 biggest health benefits of running you must know

Brian Thomas works to cover the 1,800-mile distance, all while undergoing cancer treatment(Image courtesy: Runner’s World)

Running is probably the easiest form of exercise that an individual can take up. Neither does it require much equipment nor are runners bound by time constraints. One could just put on the right kind of running shoes and head out for a jog for 30 minutes in that one hour of lunch break at work. It’s that simple!

Also read: 10 facts about running that will blow your mind

But why are we stressing so much on running? Well, it’s because of the numerous benefits that running offers. On that note, take a look at the top five health benefits that are an off-shoot of running! 

#1 Running can reduce the risk of cancer

Running cannot be termed as a cure for cancer, but there has been sure-shot proof of the fact that it helps prevent the onset of the dreaded disease. A report in the Journal of Nutrition, which analysed over 170 epidemiological studies, indicated that regular exercise leads to a lower risk of certain type of cancers, particularly breast cancer among women and colon cancer among men.

The researchers reported that there was a noticeable decrease in the actively dividing cells or cellular proliferation in technical terms, which reduces/inhibits the formation of cancerous polyps. In other cases, where people already have cancer, running can substantially improve their quality of life while they undergo chemotherapy. 

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