5 reasons why running is a sport everyone should take up
Taking up a sport is something that a lot of people around the world want to do but often decide against it due to a lot of reasons, right from expenses, lack of time to laziness. There is a large population that watches sports but only a fraction actually go out and play them. While there are some sports, like football, tennis and basketball, that require a bare minimum requirements, such as membership of a club/court, getting partner and equipment.
However, there is one sport that you absolutely do not need anything to take up and it is something that everyone should be doing – running. For ages now, running has been a part of the sporting culture and is a minimum requirement in almost all outdoor sports, be it football, rugby, basketball or hockey. Even if one cannot play any of these sports, he/she should take up running for a wide variety of reasons. Sportskeeda tells five reasons why you should take up running starting tomorrow:
#1 Affordability and Acceptability
Like mentioned above, running is a sport that does not require you to spend a miniscule amount of money. For those who cannot afford membership at a tennis club or manage to find people to football with, running is perfect. All you need is a pair of shoes and running short/track pants, following which you are set to go. Running is a sport with a wide branches, right from sprinting, hurdles, medium-distances and marathons, and one can choose any of these.
As far as acceptability is concerned, running is possibly the only sport in which you do not need to have any prerequisite qualification to participate. Anyone who wants to participate in a marathon can just register in many events that happen around the world and should he/she do well, getting recognition is not going to be difficult, as compared to a sport like basketball or football, where you need to get selected for a club.