
Ashwini Ponnappa, Subrata Paul, CS Santosh and more talk about 3rd edition of Wings for Life World Run

From l-r: Subrata Paul, Aras Gibieza, Ashwini Ponnappa, Tuhin Satarkar and CS Santosh

It’s estimated that 3,000,000 people worldwide are living with a spinal cord injury. Every year 130,000 more people sustain a spinal cord injury, followed by paralysis. Dedicated to find a cure for spinal cord injuries, Wings for Life is a non-profit research foundation established in 2004 by Dietrich Mateschitz and the two-time motocross world champion Heinz Kinigadner. In order to realise its vision, Wings for Life supports and finances world-class scientific research and clinical trials across the world aimed at healing the injured spinal cord. Moreover, it also facilitates the sharing of scientific knowledge.

Plenty of celebrities came forward to support this cause. Here’s what they had to say about it:

Ashwini Ponnappa: I am happy to be associated with the Wings for Life World Run for the 3rd year in a row – I even drove the Catcher Car last year. Being an athlete, I understand how serious injuries can be. I am glad I could run to extend my support for those suffering from spinal cord injuries.

CS Santosh: Given that I am so sued to speed, being the Catcher Car driver was very challenging for me. It was a great experience getting to see so many the other athletes and runners all running to support this cause. Wings for Life World Run is close to my heart as my buddy Daniel McCoy with whom I used to train is now paralyzed due to a spinal cord injury and I’m glad to be associated with this cause.

Tuhin Satarkar: I had an injured ankle but I tried to do my best. I ran 10kms last year but couldn’t run as far this year. I enjoyed the entire experience and I am happy that I ran for those who can’t.

Subrata Paul: I am proud to run for such a good cause. I wish people with injuries get well soon and run with us the next year. It was an amazing experience running with so many people.

Aras Gibieza: It was a fun experience to participate and run with so many people in a new country this year. I did as much as I could but it was very hot. I am happy and proud that I ran for those who can’t.

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