Disabled defence officials take part in Mumbai marathon

Mumbai, Jan 21 (PTI) At least 12 permanently disabled defence officials today participated in the Mumbai marathon to sensitise people about the issues concerning the jawans and officers like them.

War Wounded Foundation, a New Delhi-based NGO, joined the marathon with its members consisting three officers, one joint commissioned officer and eight jawans--who all became permanently disabled while serving the country in various Army operations.

Lt. Colonel (retd) Gulshan Kumar, who was one of the members of the group, said, "We want to sensitise citizens of the country about the challenges we face when we return from our service with some disability".

"Compared to the injury, it is the gap in our skills and lack of availability of any training and guidance for rehabilitation which is more serious threat for defence officials with permanent disability. The participation was seen as an attempt to catch the attention of people towards our work," he said.

Kumar said though around 120 former defence officials have been rehabilitated in several corporate sectors, it is not sufficient.

"There is no compiled data with the defence establishments itself," he said.

Referring to today's event, he said, "it was an opportunity for us to talk to people, share our challenges and exchange ideas for making life better"

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