
Goa Marathon 2018

"Don't Run for winning But Run for a Cause"

From the origin of social life in the country, various centuries have come and gone and time has changed people’s mind and environment a lot. However, violence against women does not seem to change a bit. Violence against women in India is going side by side to the technological improvement in the modern world.

Violence against women is of various types and can happen at any place like home, public place or office. Rapes and brutal murders have been so common nowadays. Other violence like harassment, assault etc. have been involved in the daily routine of the modern Indian society. Violence against women happens because of the inefficient legal justice system, weak rules of law and male-dominated social and political structures.

According to the research, it has been found that violence against women begins at home at an early age, especially in the rural areas by the family members, relatives, neighbours, and friends. The situation of the women varies all over the country according to the place, culture, and tradition of people. Because of the practice of female infanticide, the number of girl child has been very less in comparison to the male child (almost 940 women to 1000 men according to the 2011 census).

Violence against women in this country is getting more frequent. It is creating a lot of pressure and this has lead to heavy responsibility on the shoulders of social workers. Hence, there is an urgent need for women to be empowered and be responsible for themselves in order to understand all the rights and take benefits.

The Goa Marathon 2018 is aimed at exactly the same. Its objective is to protest against all these heinous acts and make awareness regarding the same. This event is going to take place on August 12, 2018, in the beautiful, socio- and eco-rich village called Marcela in Goa.

The top runners from various running categories of the marathon will get a special holiday package from our Holiday Partners, Club Mahindra, along with other prizes and goodies. Patanjali will provide the drinking water bottles to the participants. To know more about the Goa Marathon 2018 and to register for the same, visit https://www.rungoarun.com. 

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