
Marathon leading up to your first marathon

Enjoy the process and you’re halfway there

Your first marathon can be a nerve-wracking endeavor, if you let the enormity of the task takeover. When you sign-up for a marathon, you have to be ready to take on all the associated baggage that comes with running the 26.2-mile endurance race. It involves a lot more than just running and knowing about the hurdles that you need to overcome while building up to race-day can be highly beneficial.

Marathon training is a significant journey that alters our lifestyle by encouraging us to make positive choices with regards to diet, social life, and sleep patterns. The training process can become a lot more enjoyable by bringing friends and family members on board for added support.

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As we know, marathon training is a consuming activity and requires commitment. However, celebrating your accomplishments along the way can make the process seem easier and more fun. Here are 5 important keys to preparation

#1 Start small and start early

Studies suggest that you should give yourself a realistic time period to build up to your first marathon while keeping your limits in mind. The human body adapts slowly and responds best to gradual increments in training stress.

Running a few short races (5k, 10k) and then a half-marathon is an excellent way to prepare for your first marathon. Building up weekly base mileage while doing one long run every 7-10 days is a consistent approach.

Practicing intervals and tempo runs as part of the training can enhance cardio capacity. Including rest as a part of the regime will help in avoiding mental burnout and excess fatigue.

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