
Ultra-marathon runner Dion Leonard finally reunited with 'Gobi'

Dion Leonard found ‘Gobi’ running with him during the Annual 4 Deserts Race Series in China

What’s the story?

Australian-born ultramarathon runner Dion Leonard has finally been able to reunite with the stray dog who had accompanied him for several days during an ultramarathon through China’s vast, forbidding Gobi desert. The 42-year old runner launched a crowdfunding campaign in order to cover the costs of bringing back the dog, who has been named ‘Gobi’ by Dion, to Edinburgh.

An overwhelmed Dion said, “There were times when I just didn’t think it was going to happen. I never really pictured the moment of walking through the door because I didn’t want to believe it until it happened. So it was such a surreal event, after all this time.”

"I made Gobi a promise and told her I was going to bring her to the UK, and I am just so glad we got through the ups and down. We've battled through things to get here and that's the most important thing," he added.

In case you didn’t know...

Leonard said that he first noticed Gobi running with all the 101 runners on day 1 of the Annual 4 Deserts Race Series but it was around the start of the second day in the race when he saw the female dog waiting and looking up to him at the starting line. Gobi accompanied him for the rest of the race, and in time, Leonard fell in love with the dog and planned to bring her back to Edinburgh after the race.

However, he had to cross a few hurdles in order to take Gobi with him to Edinburgh. He learned that in order to bring Gobi with him, the female dog would have to be medically quarantined for a period of 4 months which would cost the Australian-born runner around $7,000. 

The heart of the matter

Tragedy occurred on August 15th when the dog disappeared just days before she was due to fly to Beijing to begin the quarantine process. On hearing the sad news, Leonard flew back to China and launched a media and social media campaign, putting posters across the whole city in order to find the stray. The volunteers helped Dion in the search by frequently enquiring with taxi drivers, the guards and the local people across the city.

But soon all the hard work paid off and the 42-year old runner was finally reunited with the dog. Dion was able to raise around $26,050 which covered all the costs of bringing Gobi back to Edinburgh.

What next?

The ultramarathon runner is keen to build his relationship with Gobi and is looking forward to their life together in the city of Edinburgh, Scotland. He is also looking forward to their practice runs at Arthur’s Seat which is just 2 blocks away from his place and intends to recreate their fond memory of the marathon in China.

Sportskeeda’s Take

It was all doom and gloom when the female dog disappeared from her shelter in the month of August, but Dion's affection for her forced him to travel back to the Chinese city of Urumqi and launch a media and social media campaign in order to find her.

This story of love and affection will live for a long time in the heart of the 42-year old runner as well as the people who helped him bring her back to Edinburgh.

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