
10 Rare photos of Dean Ambrose

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Perhaps no one has come as far in the wrestling business over the last decade or so as Dean Ambrose. Real name Jonathan Good, Ambrose has wrestled in a variety of promotions, some of which relied on some pretty gruesome practices.Here are 10 of the rarest photos of the journey Ambrose took to get this far, though.

#10 Why a basketball?

It’s hard to say what might have been going on here.
It’s hard to say what might have been going on here.

Working in the independent promotions can lead to some strange moments, and this seems to be one of them. Ambrose, wrestling as Jon Moxley during his independent days, is inexplicably holding a basketball while wearing traditional wrestling trunks in some sort of auditorium or school gym.

Oddly enough, those weird moments have followed Ambrose to the highest level of the sport, from exploding televisions to wild rides in ambulances or borrowed vehicles.

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