10 things the WWE wants you to forget about Triple H
Triple H, real name Paul Levesque, is one of the most established superstars of modern professional wrestling. He’s performed as both a heel and a face, as a rebel and as the company’s Authority figure.Not only that, but he’s the real-life executive vice president of the WWE company and just won his 14th combined world title by winning the 2016 Royal Rumble. Unfortunately for Triple H and the WWE, though, there are things in his past that they’d rather you forget. Here are the top 10 such stories, facts and rumors about the champ.
#10 Connecticut Blue Blood

So a name like Triple H has to stand for something, right? In this case, that name stands for Hunter Hearst Helmsley, the wrestler’s first character in the WWE. While later iterations were technically the same character, this guy was no D-Generation X rebel.
Instead, he was a “Connecticut Blue Blood,” an aristocrat who dressed well and looked down on his less wealthy and inferior opponents. It’s far from the worst gimmick of the early 1990s in the WWE, but that doesn’t mean it’s a role he wants remembered.