
3 stables that can be made using unused stars

Stardust recently formed an interesting stable with The AscensionThe New Day initially seemed like a rendition of the Attitude Era’s Nation of Domination stable. The WWE had three black wrestlers come together to form a stable- thatseemed like nothing new.But it was exciting merely for the fact that three extrememly underutilized superstars were being placed together and it seemed like a hit or miss opportunity. But now, months later the New Day are one of the best acts on WWE television. They have become the best stable since the Shield. Recently the Ascension and Stardust came together to make the Cosmic Easteland. That’s interesting.There are many unused superstars in a not so huge roster of WWE superstars and divas. Here are the 3 stables that can be made using unused stars-

#1 Maddox, Rose and Ryder

Rose as a party animal, previously

This may seem like an odd pairing, but it’s worth a try. Right now, Zack Ryder is in a decent team with Mojo Rawley in NXT. They are the hype bros.

Adam Rose has been sort of repackaged into an even worse gimmick. His partnership with another unused superstar like Fandango did not work. It would be of some help if his now serious self is paired with forever fan favorite Zack Ryder and Brad Maddox can be their promo guy. Maddox has the essential skills to be so as well. And maybe, just maybe Ryder will get the part animal out of Rose.

This may not be New Day 2.0 but, it’s worth prodding over.

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