Unforgettable - 5 extremely hilarious ways to get run-out
Law 38 of Laws of Cricket states that A batsman is out if at any time while the ball is in play no part of his bat or person is grounded behind the popping crease and his wicket is fairly put down by the opposing side.A run-out requires high standard of athletism from the fielder. But more often than not, it is the batsmans fault. Having successfully played the ball, he decidesto steal a single. That run may sometimes cost the wicket.It may be caused due to bad judgement or due to miscommunication between the players. Nicholas Hogg once said The Run Out is the cricket equivalent of being caught with your pants down. While the batsman are busy picking up their pants, they give us spectators something to laugh about.Let us take a look at the 5 extremely funny run-outs in cricket:
#5 Ben Cutting
Keiron Pollard is one of the best fielders in cricket right now. But even he has to agree this was as lucky as they get.
Pollard fumbled at fielding and poor Ben Cutting had to pay for it. Cricket is a cruel game.