
5 most believable finishing moves in WWE at the moment

Finishing move is something which can make or break a professional wrestler. Throughout the history of wrestling we’ve seen a lot of finishers. While some turned out to be cult success stories, others were not lucky enough.And most of the successful finishers had one thing in common: believability. The secret is to make the fans convince that a superstar will not be able to kick out at two (unless it’s John Cena of course) after the finisher.Not all the current finishers in the WWE have this factor in their favor but there are some out there which gets the job done. So here is a look at the most believable finishers in the WWE at the moment. 

#5 Chokeslam

This is a bit old school but still, Chokeslam belongs to the list of believable moves in WWE. A superstar is lifted up from his feet and slammed on his back in the move and since it is performed by tall superstars like Undertaker, Kane and Big Show, it looks more devastating.

The stock of Chokeslam in WWE has gone down considerably after the company decided to let Big Show switch to knockout punch (which is ridiculous by the way). Kane is the only one who use this finisher now and since he does not win many matches, the respect level for the move is low.

Despite all these factors, one cannot argue about the believability of chokeslam that makes the fan go wild whenever it is performed. 

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