
5 most cringeworthy things about WWE in 2015

Before I begin, I love wrestling and am a WWE mark or smark, if you will. I am strictly for the PG area what with the Chris Benoit fiasco. Unprotected chair shots to the head are a big no-no in my book as is the infamous titillation the E’ employed during the attitude era.In my humble opinion, the in-ring product nowadays is probably the best it has ever been ( the smackdown six will have something to say about that). Anyway, the point I’m getting to is that WWE is focusing more on the kids demographic and making most of their decisions on the basis of that (See: John Cena’s never ending push).Alright, I like Cena, but there is a limit to everything. My patience with big match John ran out aeons ago. But, I digress. The E doesn't realize this but kids are not their major demographic with the average age of viewers being 41.4 years old as an estimate.The WWE must realize that they have to cater to more than just giggly 10-year-olds. This has never rung more true than now, with the Raw ratings reaching lows unseen for years. With that in mind, let’s look at the 5 most cringeworthy things about wwe in 2015-      

#1 \'Tater Tots\'

uh... yeah. Irishmen have potatoes Sheamus, you have tater tots. I get that the show is PG rated but this is ridiculous. The little laugh Roman does after delivering the line. Good lord.

This promo was right up there with ‘ sufferin succotash son’ and ‘JBL is poopy’. The Reigns-Sheamus rivalry hasn’t exactly set the world on fire, but any heat they built up, any tension that could be sensed was single-handedly evaporated by this one promo.

Yeesh, I still facepalm myself after watching it. Basically, everytime Roman Reigns was on the mic.

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