
5 possible ways WWE could replace the Undertaker's streak

Whenever the topic of WrestleMania comes into discussion between the fans, the one thing without which it would be complete is the Undertakers illustrious streak.An epic feat which travelled more than two decades has been the biggest attraction in WrestleMania for a long time now. But as they say, all good things must come to an end and for Taker and his streak, its almost there.Takers body will simply not allow him to go for another decade or so meaning that we could soon see the Undertakers streak coming to an end. This means that the WWE will be faced with a big problem of filling the void left by such a big match.So here is a look at the possible ways in which WWE could overcome the loss and find a replacement for the 'Streak of the Undertaker'.

#5 A Survivor Series Traditional match

The traditional Survivor series match is something which we eagerly anticipate once WrestleMania concludes. The match is ideal for wrestler to get that big push and it also has a lot of tradition in it which makes it special.

Over the years, WWE have managed to produce some epic matches as well with these stipulations. So having a two traditional Survivor Series match in a year is clearly not going to hurt anyone.

An elimination match every year will be something worth looking forward to and it could fill in a healthy amount of time in the long 4 hour pay-per-view.

Instead of just throwing in everyone with a battle royal, WWE could book its midcarders intelligently with this one which makes it a great option.

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