
5 Things WWE did wrong in 2015

WWE hid the positives and magnified the negatives2015 was not a great year for WWE, period. They faced some big problems throughout the year. While some of these problems were unfortunate, others poked up due to WWE’s actions.The horrible booking decisions that WWE executed in 2015 falls right into the second category. Creatively, WWE did not give much to remember in 2015 apart from few gems here and there.Thus, if we look back, 2015 was a roller coaster ride for WWE with many lows and a few highs. You are likely to remember the highs of 2015, so we are going to concentrate on the opposite part in this list.Here are five things that WWE did wrong in 2015.

#5 The Divas Revolution

NXT and main roster are light years apart

The Women’ wrestling is flourishing in NXT. Simple storylines, the smaller crowds, and lack of politics: all contributed to this success. WWE tried to implement the same into a larger scale by sparking off a Divas revolution in the main roster.

Now, down in NXT, we have the Women’s title, and in the main roster, we have the Divas title. You see where I am going.

While the NXT crowd had the capability to digest long matches between the women through long exposure, the main roster fans had a habit of seeing shot eye candy bouts. WWE forgot this when they booked a string of talented divas and called the whole storyline ‘Divas Revolution’.

There was no clear-cut direction, nor time to pull off great matches. The whole concept felt like paper on the cracks and it did not produce anything memorable. 

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