
5 things WWE should do to improve Raw ratings

John Cena is riding high as the top guy while Raw ratings continue to sufferThe news is not good for WWE. Ratings continue to slide for Monday Night Raw and while many fans have not been too concerned about it in the past, the fact is that there is no ignoring the mess that exists now.WWE made the headlines for too long to be denied and it is becoming clear to everyone that the company must do something to steady the ship. The truth is, the effort must be made now. WWE is accustomed to going through a slump when the NFL returns to TV but this time it'ÂÂs different. The vibe is a bit more desperate and the overall feeling is a bit more serious than ever before.Fans know when something’s up and now the question is what exactly will be done to get the world’s largest pro wrestling company back on track? WWE can throw more money at the problem in the form of celebrity guest stars or perhaps repeat main event matches from the Sunday night before, both of which have happened. But neither is a real solution as neither have really worked.This is more than just a simple problem solved by a quick fix. This is the industry’s flagship pro wrestling program struggling for ratings despite the return of legends like Sting and the elevation of NXT to the forefront. WWE needs to get moving and that is surely what will happen. But sometimes the best solutions are the most obvious ones.

#5 Fix the Divas Revolution

The Divas Revolution started off with a bang, but it’s nearly fizzled out

The Divas Revolution was meant to reinvigorate women’s wrestling in WWE. It all began on a great note, as Charlotte, Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch invaded the main roster and turned the Divas division upside down.

Fans were intrigued, the girls were excited and the world was finally ready to see the Divas shine in believable angles and hard-hitting bouts. 

Nine women were involved in singles and tag matches, with every combination imaginable being displayed on TV and pay-per-view. The Divas got TV time like never before and that time was not being used as bathroom breaks for fans. Things were looking up.

But then the point was lost when the established and entrenched Bellas began proclaiming they were the true leaders of the Diva Revolution. Sasha inexplicably began to disappear from the storyline. Then the dagger in the heart came from Paige, who suddenly turned heel on the newly crowned Divas champion Charlotte. 

The move made Charlotte look small and caused fans to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. WWE had taken a great concept and ruined it before our very eyes. 

If the company wants to keep viewers and bring back more, then this must be corrected. The women deserve a chance to succeed and they had it at their fingertips when it was pulled back. This must end now before any more collateral damage can be done.

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