
5 times WWE Superstars did their opponent's finishing move

Undertaker and Kane use the same finishers because theyre storyline brothers.One common storytelling feature within a professional wrestling is the use of the opponents finisher in an effort to win and perhaps embarrass them at the same time. It has been done countless times over the years, with some well-known and others less so, but the surprise move always catches the audiences attention.Usually, this convention requires two high-profile stars, and if done properly, it can create a lot of excitement. Here are five times it happened, as well as the circumstances that made it worth noting.

#5 Seth Rollins AA

Seth Rollins stood tall over John Cena at Summerslam.

At Summerslam 2015, Seth Rollins squared off against John Cena in a title vs. title match, and he came out victorious to take home both titles. One thing that’s certain in a big match against Cena, though, is that one finisher won’t be enough.

That works just fine for Rollins, who has been known to use Eddie Guerrero’s Frog Splash, and he always uses Triple H’s Pedigree these days. But at Summerslam, he turned Cena’s own Attitude Adjustment on him, on the way to a victory aided by guest star Jon Steward.

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