5 ways WWE can make the Reigns-Authority rivalry huge
There are many ways the tried and tested angle could have an edge of novelty to itLooks like the WWE's found its latest Golden Boy, and it seems like he'll stay on his perch for a while. We're talking of course, about the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Roman Reigns, esq.It cannot be said that this wasn't in his future when he stepped through the doors of the pro wrestling behemoth, but the expectations he has left unfulfilled have left a bitter taste in many a WWE fan's mouth.The man is as gifted a physical specimen as one could hope for, and backs it up in the ring. But, as Bane says, "we are initiated, aren't we Bruce?" and a man at the pinnacle of the industry requires many facets. Reigns has been working hard over the past year on his non-wrestling skills and in fairness, is a far cry from the avatar he entered the company with.From a monosyllabic mastodon to the man in the spotlight, Reigns has evolved. But his character still leaves much to be desired, so much so that Vince McMahon himself has deigned to muddy himself with making an impressive storyline out of it.No stranger to playing the mega-heel, Vinny Mac has been the antagonist in a number of feuds in the past, most memorably with the immortal Stone Cold Steve Austin. The most profitable era of the company was just so because it had both of them doing wonderful justice to their respective roles.The landscape looks quite bleak currently, with many big names injured. The WWE needs to build an impregnable storyline out of this tried-and-tested "little guy against the system" shtick they've got going so that the road to WrestleMania doesn't fall out from beneath them.Here are five ways the current Roman Reigns vs The Authority war could be enhanced to resemble any of the storyline's illustrious predecessors:
#5 Make it personal

On the December 28th episode of RAW, Vince McMahon fell back on ol’ faithful – personal attack. It was a reliable move that helped an otherwise average episode effervesce. It is a proven tool that can raise the stakes, even lead up to a beatdown by the League of Nations.
There are a couple of things that The Authority can use – Reigns’ failure as a professional football player and the embarrassment of being related to Rosie are possible ammunition. Perhaps big brother could even show up and proceed to be made a punching bag, thereby raising the stakes.