
5 Worst Decisions that WWE made on the Road to WrestleMania

Literally, there is nothing bigger than WrestleMania when it comes to professional wrestling, and over the years, WWE has leached a lot of money from this golden goose.The credit for most of the success of the event goes to the writers and their good buildup. However, this year, we were offered some ridiculous decisions which turned everything upside down. Despite it being the 30th anniversary edition, the hype surrounding WrestleMania is nowhere near its usual magnitude.Now all that the creative could do will be to put up a great show to cover up their screw ups. But before we know whether they cover up or not, lets take a look at the biggest decisions that went wrong on the road to WrestleMania

#5 Usos Title win

Last year, the Tag team division showed great consistency and was filling the holes that the creative had in the mid card of the roster.

Teams like Rhodes Brothers, Rybaxel, Real Americans and Usos were flourishing and were boosted with the New Age Outlaws. Outlaws then went on to win the title at Royal Rumble which was a big surprise to many. But what followed just ended up everything on a downward spiral.

The Usos were hot in the division and was destined to get the title. And instead of giving Usos a big WrestleMania moment WWE made them win the title at Raw. Now Usos will be defending their title against three other teams just weeks after winning the title.

So what are the chances of them losing the title after winning the title just weeks before the match? Very low right? And that’s the program with Tag team titles at the moment. 

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