
5 worst open-goal misses in football

Cristiano Ronaldo reacts after missing a goalscoring chanceIf you haven’t seen it yet, Napoli’s Jose Callejon shockingly missed an open-goal from one yard during a Serie A match. ONE YARD! It was harder to miss than score. But don’t worry, Mr. Callejon. You aren't the first footballer to miss an open goal from that kind of distance. Football history is replete with players who did the difficult part well - that is, getting the ball close to the net - and then completely messed up the easy part - scoring in an open net.On that note, here are the 5 worst open-goal misses of all time.

#1 Miroslav Klose proves he is human

Miroslav Klose’s career has been an astounding one. He doesn’t do a lot of things well, but he is very, very good at being in the right place at the right time to put away a goal from a tap-in.

In fact, his recent goal in the World Cup was scored from a distance of 16 yards – the farthest that he has scored from in all his goals for Germany! That means when Klose is in the box, and he gets the ball, there is no hope for defenders and the goalkeeper and a goal is as good as guaranteed. 

Right? Well, no. Not on this occasion.

In a 2011 match between Bayern Munich and Stuttgart, Robben’s ball finds Klose, who does this...


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