
5 WWE Superstars who are paid way more than they should be

Tough as it is to admit, these great Giants are leaks in WWE’s treasuryThe WWE is the biggest wrestling promotion around. But, they are not as successful as they once more. The USA network deal may be fruitful but with the WWE network not being the rip-roaring success WWE hoped, it is time for WWE to begin cutting losses. They are rich, but with today's economy and wrestling's dwindling influence and ratings, it may be time for WWE to cut some corners.The reason extravagant Wrestlemania spending isn't on here is because that is WWE's biggest moneymaker and the investment there always draws disproportionately good dividends. The 20 man writing team is a waste of money. I cannot believe they employ 20 people and still come up with stories like that horrible love rectangle (UGH!). However, I will, in this list stick to superstars and divas and their spots on the roster.

#1 Big Show


From a Giant to...this?

When the Big Show debuted as The Giant in WCW, he was a big deal. Even in his attitude era run in the WWE, he was successful and feared. However, his subsequent booking with constant heel-face turns have seen Big Show become extremely stale and boring to watch.

He’s a giant and so he’s scary. He’s not scary if he’s seen crying in the ring. With bookings like that, Big Show has turned into a waste of space and is holding back younger talent by occupying main event spots (as part of The Authority, for example).

Big Show may be decent on the mic, but his body and in ring work have deteriorated beyond any possible repair. He’s reportedly on $1.5 million a year. On top of this, he gets help with road expenses, including a personal tour bus and first class travel. The Big Show is simply no longer worth a million dollar bumper contract.

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